© 1999 - 2008
You are now on the road to recovery
Stories from the Jericho Road

"Tired of Trying to Measure Up"
by Jeff Van Vondeeren.
This book is written for Christians who live under a deeply ingrained code of written and unwritten expectations and rules that shame them and drain them of spiritual strength. It is also a wonderful resource and work/study for non-Christians who are trying to deal with guilt and shame.
- dean krippaehne

"From Panic to Power"
by Lucinda Bassett.
A very powerful, life-changing book for those who suffer from anxiety and panic by an author who has "been through the storm" herself. Available at Amazon.com
- dk

Panic - what is it?

Panic - What is it?
My Story (About us)
Recommended Reading

Things that you can do.... Right now!

First things First
Instant Relief and Meditation
Misbelief/Truth Worksheet
Coping Self-Statement
10 Principles to cope with fear
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Understanding your thoughts
Panic Prone Personalities
The Importance of Practice
The Present
Our DJ of Darkness
The Great Control Con
The Road to Recovery
Steps toward self empowerment
The Big Risk - Life
Powerful Points to Ponder

Helpful Links

Mental Health Links at Gracies Cafe
Anxiety Disorder Association of America
Anxiety Disorders Education Program
Peer Support Network
Anxiety Panic Internet Resource
Anxiety Disorders NIMH
Anxiety and Panic Support Persons
Panic Attack Research
Anxiety Disorders Links - Yahoo
Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adults
Anxiety Self Help
Social Phobia/Social Anxiety Association
Social Anxiety Disorder
Child Anxiety.Net

More Helpful links

More Helpful Links

Considering a psychologist?

Guide to psychological ethics