Amethyst’s Fae Enchantment
As you can see, I'm once again in the midst of remodeling this site. For those of you who are regular visitors here, you'll see that this is a whole new look for me. I was most definitely ready for a change, so I browsed through the web, tho I didn't have to go too far, since I've been to Enchanting
Designz quite often. I just love her websets.
If you look at the lovely graphic to the left, you'll see that the pretty little fae has an anime touch. I chose this set with my daughter in mind - she loves Sailor Moon, and I've come to appreciate the anime look.
I had noticed lately that my old page was very graphic heavy and was taking quite a long time to download and I have broadband - that is bad, so I've decided to split the page up and not use such a heavy background set for the next page.......
This Enchanted site is always under construction, as any good web site should be. You'll find that I'm always adding something new or updating my site. In fact, if you are regular visitor, you'll notice that I'm continuing to add new sections and additions to this site..
Updated on: April 10, 2006