Cas's Origin
One day Cas was found in a wicker basket on the Nile River while in a blizzard with hail. A very powerful genie found him and took him in. She noticed right away that Cas could not open his eyes, but could still see out of them. She tried scaring every little piece of nerve out of Cas. Cas was very unnerved, but his eyes remained close. She put a curse on him that monsters would plague him until the very last day. Then she sent Cas to America. She told him to find a home "OR ELSE!" After she shut the door on him, he began his journey to America. He endured the dry conditions of the Atlantic Ocean, the very wet weather of the Sahara Desert, the harshly cold temperatures in hell, and the extremely hot weather in the Artic. He made it with scratches,bruises,and burns, many of great quantity, but he made it none the less!
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