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Aaron Carter Live And Kicking Interview - December 1997

Live & Kicking Magazine - December 1997

What's the best thing about being a pop star?

Going to different countries. Austria was the best except it didn't snow there. I've never ever seen snow.

Can you afford to go to Toys'R'Us and pick out whatever you want?

No, I wish I could. I'd get a remote controlled race car. The coolest cars go very fast and smash into things.

How come you don't go to school?

I have a tutor. she's mean and makes me do too much work. Sometimes I have to study the whole week long!

Is your brother Nick a proper grown-up now?

Yeah! when he comes home he takes me everywhere in his black corvette. was gonna get a blue one but they didn't have any left.

What grown-up things does he do?

He takes me shark fishing on his boat. I once caught a 9ft shark. We didn't eat it though.

Will you grow as tall as Nick?

Yeah. I can't wait. I'll be able to reach things better!

Do you miss him when he goes away?

Yeah, one time he left for a whole year. He looked real different when he came back and I said, 'Your not my brother!' He had to show me an old picture before I'd believe him.

Does he bring you back nice presents?

Mmm. The best one was a toy panther. It's bigger than me and it nearly didn't fit on the plane. My cat Snowy's pulled all the whiskers out though.

What does Nick do to bug you?

He locks me out of the house. And when we play Hide and seek he'll say 'I'm it!' and then run off leaving me hiding. I'll be sitting there all cramped up for two or three hours and he'll never come and find me.

How do you wind Nick up?

I make him look in the river then go 'Bye Bye Nick!' and push him in!

What's the funniest practical joke you've ever played?

One time I said to Nick 'Look there's a plane!' and then punched him in the stomach. I had to run real fast. (Sniggers) Or, I pretend I'm about to punch him in the stomach and then when he puts his hands down to protect himself I slap him round the face! I beat Nick up all the time!

But he's bigger than you?

Yeah, but he never has a chance to get me back 'cause I dive in the pool or jump in the bushes to get away.

Does your mum stick up for you?

No! She doesn't know how much we fight. We'd get into trouble if she did!

If you could be one of the BSB, apart from Nick, who'd you be?

Brian 'cause he's got a good voice. My twin sister Angel thinks he's cute.