Fat Fat Fatty Fat! Mood:
don't ask
As is unusual for me, I was not able to get to sleep last night, I had to get up and read for half an hour.
Charlene looking good. It is nice to wake up to a woman in bed snuggled up to you, even if your alarm is being rude.
Not feeling good about my weight today. I got my GI top back yesterday and realized I had gained weight again. Time to do something about it.
Math has me in a bad mood as usual, the bad thing is that I have no intention of quiting even after I finish this class. I am looking forward to getting into another class, because I want to be back into the techie aspects of this degree. Charlene kept me sane (as usual) but I think I am getting on her nerves. She will probably be glad when I am done with this class too.
Got it up
Spent the day working math and working with three of my computers, this is unusual because I didn't work. I left work due to Kris being sick.
Check ou this link if your interested in buying a gold mine.