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Protect The Children

Green Ribbon Of Hope Campaign

Each year in Canada, police departments receive thousand of reports
on missing children who are classified as runaways or the victims
of parental or stranger abductions. In 1986, the Solicitor General of Canada
declared May 25th to be Missing Children's Day in Canada.
The Green Ribbon of Hope Campaign which runs for the entire
month of May is designed to draw public awareness to the
issue of missing children in Canada.

Read more, Click Here
Green Ribbon of Hope


To Help In Locating Missing Children

To Raise Awareness In Child Safety

To Promote Active Participation

To Make Available Links

Promoting The Search/Child Find Quest

To Promote The Stranger Danger Do's And Don'ts

Ribbons To Add To Your Website

Offer An Easy Form, Just Print And Complete

This Java Applet Banner will run continuously, displaying the Missing Children Alert Cases. Clicking on the photograph will bring up the Alert
Page with more information, and the ability to print posters. Clicking
on the Marquee Message will connect to the NCMEC home page.

Currently the most recently reported missing children
are kept in this queue. Clicking on the NCMEC logo will bring you to the home page; clicking anywhere else will bring you to the full details of the missing child's record. There is also included a link to view the entire queue of missing children.

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owned by Gail G. Mouck.

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This RingSurf Children Missing Ring Net Ring
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A Tear For Abused Children

I Made This Page With Such Good Intentions
Never Did I Think I Would Need A Second And
Even A Third Page Addition To Capture The Necessities
Of This Quest. What I Have Found Is That It Was Necessary
And Yes The Problem Is That Huge. That Is All The More
Reason To Ask For Your Participation As Well. You Could Just
Rescue That One Child And That Would Make A Difference

Below Are Two Ribbons To Choose From To Add

To A Website That Is Of Utmost Moral Content

The Above Is For Dark Colored Backgrounds
The Above Is For Light Colored Backgrounds

To Save Just Right Click Your Mouse And
Click Save as And Save To The Chosen
Location On Your Computer

A Link Back To This Site Would Be Appreciated
But Is Not Necessary,I Am More Interested In
Promoting The Protection And Safe Return
Of The Children Than Promoting This Website

Thank You For Taking The Time To Visit This Site

This Site Is A Non-Commercial And Non-Profit Site

Site Developed On APRIL 9 2000
By Gail G. Mouck