What is a Chat Room? Chat is quite simply people talking! Here on the Internet however it is made possible by the use of a chat room. Chat rooms on the Internet make it possible to write and post messages and to receive messages in return in a communal space. This is done in real time; meaning when you send your message it will appear almost immediately to other users who are logged into the same chat room. Isn't that amazing!? Where do I find a Chat Room? There are literally thousands of chat rooms available on the Internet for use for free, however finding a chat room that suits you may take time. There are a lot of chat rooms that are very hard to use and often confusing especially for the beginner. The best way to find a good chat room is to do a search on the Internet itself under the "chat category:. It may take a little bit of time before you find one that suits you, so do not give up too soon. Other web sites offer Chat Rooms. Here, PIMS offers a chatroom that is open to anyone. This is a perfect way for Filipinos abroad communicate with love ones here in the Philippines. PIMS Chat Room IRC and Web-Based Chat Rooms Web-based chat rooms traditionally do not require any other software apart from your browser software that you use to view the Internet. IRC or Internet Relay Chat uses what is called a chat client. This is software that you can download and use to log into a chat room. PIMS uses a web-based chat room, but it has its own account being a chat site. How to use a Chat Room? There are different procedures for using different chat rooms and it is best to check with the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and other documentation of the site to find out what requirements and rules might apply. Generally speaking however, you are required to enter a "handle" which is nickname that you will appear as in the chat room. Then you choose the room that you wish to enter and login. Once you are in a room you should see a place to enter text with a send button of some variety. You will also have a large display area of chat text messages that other people have sent. In the PIMS chat room you can view the instructions below the chat room. All important commands are posted there. Acronyms and abbreviations To speed up the communication of commonly used words users have developed a range of abbreviations and acronyms over time. You do not need to know all of these however you will become more familiar with them as time goes by. If you're not sure what someone has said to you, just ask them what it means or you can check our directory of acronyms. Click here to view them. Emoticons anyone? Emoticons are symbols that represent emotions. They are mad using the many characters of the keyboard. For examples please check out our list! |