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Val's January Horiscope
by Susan Miller

If the phone rings in the middle of the night, who would you say is on the other end? What does this person say to you? Intriguing question, isn't it? This type of question reveals inner psychological states. Revelations about yourself are surfacing now, not so much because you might have taken a personality test like this one, but thanks to the eclipse we just went through on December 25 and the one that will follow, on January 9. If there is a message from these eclipses, it is "Be true to yourself."

There is nothing like an eclipse to hold up a mirror of truth and show you where you've been and where you are heading. You have plenty of time to make a few course corrections if you want to, but there is also a good chance that you'll love the course you have set and the rewards, both tangible and spiritual, that come your way as a result.

The first eclipse was in Capricorn, and the one that is coming this month is in your polar opposite, Cancer. If you're born closer to December 25, a new chapter is rapidly forming, one that is quite stable and comforting. You are getting closer to knowing what makes you happy, and self-knowledge is an important first step. If you are born closer to January 9, you are likely to be more affected by the coming eclipse.

Let's have a good look at the January 9 eclipse, coming as soon as the New Year kicks off. (You may want to re-read last month's forecast for a more detailed analysis of the December 25 eclipse, which fell in your key 1st sector of the horoscope. To locate my December forecast for Capricorn, click on the link Last Month's Forecast at the bottom of the page.)

The January 9 eclipse falls in your 7th sector of relationships, ensuring that you will hear lots from your significant other about the state of your union. This partner may be a spouse, other romantic partner, or even a business alliance. Don't turn a deaf ear or make light of any criticisms. During an eclipse, whatever he or she has to say should be attended to. And you never know — he or she might be full of praise or confessions of love, so this may be something you truly WANT to hear!

I feel that you will be pleased with news that comes your way, because Saturn, your ruler, is so exceptionally well-angled to the Sun in this eclipse. While this is true for all signs, you are the one sign ruled by Saturn, so you may benefit more than most. You seem to be in the mood to think in long-range terms right now. If so, that's a perfect way to use these aspects. You may also be making personal adjustments to accommodate the needs or desires of a partner, because suddenly being on the same page is more important to you than ever before. You don't seem to want to let little misunderstandings go; you want to be heard and understood, and so does your partner.

If you feel that you and your partner are working completely independently of one another, you might be a bit troubled; you want to dance together gracefully and fluidly, perhaps as you did when you first met. If you are living a life that seems more like two ships that pass in the night, my guess is that these eclipses will cause you to take steps to bring your priorities and schedules into sync. There is no doubt that some Capricorns whose relationships were not strong have decided to call it quits at this time, which often occurs around lunar eclipses. As painful as this may be, making this monumental decision will allow you to move forward with your life in a far more productive way, so try to be philosophical (should this be your fate).

In any relationship, personal or business-related, you hold more cards than you think. The Sun and Mercury favor you, and most of the planets are clustered on the Eastern side of the chart, which always indicates a measure of cosmic favor. So, if you are in an alliance that requires some negotiation, you won't have to compromise your ideas.

Throughout the month, it will be more important to listen than to act. In fact, although eclipses make it irresistible to act forcefully and perhaps impetuously, it is rarely a good idea to do so. News will come to you at amazing speed, so you will have to remain nimble and deal quickly with all that arises. Decisions will have to be made on the fly, and you might have to consciously tell yourself to slow down.

This can be an exciting period, for eclipses often make us act sooner than we had planned. Vital, possibly even life-changing events are likely to arise unexpectedly, some of them quite exciting or stirring. At times, however, some of these events may also be cause for dismay. During eclipses, new jobs begin, but sometimes old ones end suddenly, too. Major relocation happens, with people entering and leaving our everyday lives. There is often news of such milestones as graduations, marriages, births, and other life events happening all around you — you will see.

Try not to set a timetable for events, but allow others (or Mother Nature) to do so. Listen and react to news rather than setting the pace or acting aggressively. Things never take their usual course during eclipse periods; unforeseen developments will invariably change your direction, sometimes without warning. Going with the flow is key.

It is absolutely vital that you care for your health now and in months to come. As I discussed last month, pay special attention to your teeth and bones, both of which are ruled by Capricorn, the sign of last month's eclipse. (We don't always feel eclipses immediately — if you fall down, your bones could still be vulnerable.) If you are older, consider having a bone scan. Make any necessary adjustments, like increasing exercise and perhaps taking calcium tablets if a doctor indicates that you should.

See a dentist if you haven't gone for a check-up in over a year. Also, take note of any skin or stomach problems or hearing difficulties, as these eclipses could affect those areas as well. I am not saying that any of these difficulties will occur, only that eclipses are likely to bring any of this type of problem to light.

Friends play a key role in your life this month — they seem particularly supportive and make you very grateful for their loyalty. This would be an ideal month to consider joining clubs or reconnecting with pals you've been too busy to see. Mars is in perfect angle to Venus, a lovely configuration that is exact on January 17, making this a perfect night to give a party or invite a whole crowd of old friends and new acquaintances to a restaurant. January 17 should be one of your most romantic dates of the month too, as Mars and Venus, ruler of your 5th sector of love, will twirl around the skies in a magical dance of love. With the moon in sexy, sultry Scorpio, you should be all set!

With the eclipses emphasizing more serious, committed relationships, you are likely to have plenty to think about when it comes to matters of the heart. As I wrote last month, you will either be ecstatic — possibly because you are getting engaged or married — or else quite unhappy with the state of your love relationship. (I am so sorry to have to report the latter. If your sweetheart doesn't appreciate you, so be it — you can and should go to greener pastures.) There is no doubt that relationships will be pushed to either end of the spectrum so that you can see the truth about them more clearly.

Financially, you will start to do very well from January 24 onward, thanks to the new moon in your 2nd sector of income. If you have been expecting a raise, the last week of January is your moment to act (but not before the new moon appears)! The new moon is in elegant angle to Jupiter, an amazingly fortunate aspect. Don't let your boss tell you they have no money — look around at your options, because your chart shows that some mighty lucrative ones do exist for you. While Saturn's position also suggests that you have heavy monetary obligations to take care of, there could be enough left over to make you smile.

The last week of January is important for another reason as well. On the same day as the new moon, January 24, Saturn (your ruler) turns direct, signaling a key point for your endeavors and relationships. Saturn is in your 5th sector, ruling true love, pregnancy, birth and the care of children, and creative efforts. Now all these areas will acquire an extra glow, so expect to see progress developing in any and all.

You have had to be patient while waiting for all the pieces of your personal puzzle to fall into place. At the end of January, you should receive unmistakable signals that you are on track. Saturn has been retrograding for months, so this turn to direct mode will put your life back in the fast lane. Jupiter turns direct one day later, on January 25, with all the planets in the heavens speeding at direct motion — a rare and special phenomenon.

Mercury, that little prankster, is about to go retrograde from February 4-26, making February a wash for progress on just about any level. I tell you this now, so that you double your determination to nail all important projects and agreements in January, while things are still running smoothly. The truth is, January, your birthday month, brings such a supportive atmosphere, it could be one of the best months of the year until we reach September-October 2001, another key time for you.

One of your best weekends of the month, for just about anything, is January 13-14. Saturn is in lovely angle to the Sun, making it perfect for determining long-range plans or for getting advice from an authority figure. The moon is in fellow earth sign Virgo, so this weekend is as good as it gets. If you meet someone on this date, you will probably get to enjoy this person forever. Try to plan something for that exquisite weekend, dear Goat. I believe you will love it!


At the full moon eclipse on January 9, a relationship will seem extreme — either extra-sweet or extra-tart. If it is the latter, I suggest that you compromise. Hidden resentments may now come to the surface without warning. However, if your alliance is good, you'll be glad for the chance to clear the air and get back on the same frequency with your sweetie. You have changed, and so has your mate, and this month it will become clear that your relationship has to be reconfigured if it is be relevant to your future. Some Capricorns will grow closer, while others will call it a day, finally realizing that their alliance does not have the flexibility to withstand life's stresses and strains.

Going with the flow will get you from here to there in half the time. In this month of extremes, friends provide a comforting anchor of wise advice and staunch support. Bless their hearts!

If monster post-holiday bills are getting you down, fret no more. Thanks to a plethora of planets in your 2nd sector of earned income, you'll have at least one generous offer for a raise or new job. Money should begin to fill your wallet by the last week of the month.

The move of Saturn to direct orbit at month's end is a welcome change — watch for an issue or project that has been dragging to suddenly leap to life and bring you a juicy breakthrough around January 24. Now that is something to shout about!

Decimal Birthday Party!
A fun link to another way of looking at your birthday!

Don't forget to check out our 2001 Val Calendar!

Happy Holidays!!!!