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Welcome to Kilmer Safari's 2001 Father's Day celebration!

I think one of the things many women find most endearing about Val Kilmer is the love he has for his children. Sadly, so many children do not have a loving father there to guide and care for them as they grow, knowing this, it makes us all smile when we see a father devoted to his kids. Val is clearly a devoted Dad, and we wish him a very happy Father's Day.

"I have let jobs go that might have been the right thing for my career, but they were not going to be the best thing for my kids. And at the end of the day, I've never seen anything, from when my children were born, that impressed me more than their laughter, or meant more to me than that sense of being able to calm them, or provide for them, or protect them, or encourage them. To be honest as I can be, maybe parenting would be more of a challenge for me if I had different children. But I just love it. Id be happy to retire next year and just tend to them."

-Val Kilmer, Dads Magazine Nov/Dec 2000

Much thanks to Kildareme for her wonderful poem, she did a terrific job, as always. I know you will enjoy it as much as I did. Mary has also contributed some fun and interesting facts about the history and traditions of Father's Day. Please feel free to write to both of the girls and let them know how much you enjoy their contributions.

If you would like to see last year's Father's Day page click HERE. If you missed it last year, you will want to check it out, it got rave reviews!

We send warm wishes to all the fathers out there, we hope you have a wonderful day with your children.

-Witchee and Staff

Copyright 2001 Barefoot Artists