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Welcome to Kilmer Safari's Halloween Party. Now and then I too have the urge to throw off my clothes and fly over the moon. So I couldn't resist Dana's latest set, and no she didn't create it for me, it WAS a coincedence!

Just so you know, I have no idea what most of these symbols are supposed to mean, but use your imaginations. I was too busy to customize the art, so we are going to give new meanings to some of her pre-labeled buttons. :)

Here is the key:
About Witchee: My favorite Halloween Stuff.
My Magic: Poetry.
My Cauldron: Food and Drink Recipes.
My Beliefs:
Book of Shadows: A short Halloween story.
Pagen Links: Val-oween Games!
Sacred Causes: Save Val from Soap Opera TV!
Summon Me: Email Witchee

If a slight bit of nudity offends anyone, sorry but I'm a nudist at heart, and though I don't ever fly around in public in the buff, I sit at my computer half naked most of the summer.

Let the party begin!

Previous Year:

If you would like to see last years Halloween page, it is located with all the past holiday pages in our Literature section, which is part of the Jumanji page.

Halloween 1999
Witchee Woman thanks the staff for all their work to bring entertaining content to these pages and encourages you to email them if you enjoy their work, they do like to hear from you too!


    Provided the food and drink recipes!
    And Poetry of course!
    Provided the game, Link Val characters to the correct costume accessories! Kahina
    Kahina provided the Val Quiz!

If you would like to suggest something for our Holiday pages, send us an email.

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