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I fear you are going to answer all the questions and free Val from the dungeon! The Warlock will be very angry. You may want to reconsider and turn back now! TV isn't so bad, at least he's working right? OH Such language from a lady! Very well then, if you must have him back, then proceed on to the final question. I suggest you run like hell is chasing you if you get him out, because it is!

"The principle of it is that you can't escape your past, and I believe that very strongly about the United States. Any crucial problem that we face now could have been prevented if we had greater consciousness once were faced with them. Pick a subject: Ozone, Aids.......the information is always there.

Val is involved in many charities and special projects to help other people, not only in the United States, but around the world. Not long ago he went to Iraq to being food and medical supplies to the women and children who were suffering due to the sanctions. What was the name of the charity that Val assisted?:

Feed the Children
The Red Cross
Farm Aid