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Flaws of the Damned

One Point Flaws
A nervous habbit that is a dead giveaway to your indentity. i.e. nervous cough, hand wringing, or cracking your knuckles.

Waiting for anything sucks bad! When you are in a situation where you have to wait, make a Self-Control roll too see if you go off on your own. This of course would be instead of waiting for the meeting to get filled in more... or whatever

There is no need for the Masquerade, and you aren't affraid to share this thought with others. However this does put you as a suspect with the Elders and may have attracted the Sabbat.

Some one in power doesn't want you around. They can maneuver you into dangerous situations, "For the good of the Camarilla".

~Botched Presentaion~
When your sire introduced you to the Prince, you screwed it up. You are now convinced that the Prince hates you. You have to make a Willpower roll difficulty 7 just to be in his presence without bulbbering, or making a fool of yourself.

~Incomplete Understanding~
They've explained how it all works, more than once, but you just don't get it. This whole Camarilla thing is still confusing. This imperfect understading will get you into trouble, someday.

~New Arrival~
You are new to a city an know... no one. You mar be recuited or eliminated by the existing fractions. Your lack of knowing others and any schemes they might have going, puts you at risk of unkowningly being dragged into them.

~New Kid~ ~Recruitment Target~
The Sabbat want you, and they want you bad.

You expressed sympathy for the Sabbat's goals and policies. You are a suspect for treason with the city's hierarchy.

~Cold Breeze~
A cold chill follows you around. This discomforts mortals and puts you aty a +1 difficulty on all appropriate rolls. This also endangers the Masquerade.

Two Point Flaws
~Dulled Bite~
Your fangs are underdeveloped, if apparent at all. You must find an alternitive way of extracting blood other than biting the victom.

~Open Wound~
2-4 pts
You have one or more wounds that constantly drip blood, and can not be healed. This caused constant blood loss of one blood point per night. If the wound is visable you get a -1 to all Social rolls.

You are Dracula; wearing a cape, donning an accent, and it is topped of with the corny behavior. You are mocked, ostrasized, and are percived as embarssing or too extreme by other Kindred. +2 difficulty on Social rolls. Oh yes, and you have caught the Hunters attetion.

~Thirst for Innocence~
This sight on innocence aroses a terrible bloodlust in you. Make a self-control roll, or frenzy, attacking the source of your hunger.

~Victom of the Masquerade~
aka Babe in the Woods Sydrome.
The Camarilla have you so deep in the Masquerade that you believe you are not a vampire. There is a logical explanation for your behavior, and you will find it.

You are Blood Bound to another vampire. ~Catspaw~
You've done dirty work for someone high up in the city's hierarchy. Instead of it granting you a favor it has gained you embarisment or turned you into a liability. They currently want to keep you quiet, in the longer run, they want you dead.

~Escaped Target~
You had a mortal all picked out to embrace and make your very own, then someone took them first. This fills you with hate and you must make a roll to avoid Frenzy (+2 difficulty) when ever you see the one who got away. Also you have a +1 difficulty on all Charisma rolls untill the situation is resolved.

You once held title in the city, but failed misrabley in your duties. You have been branded Incompetent.

~Masquerade Breaker~
In your first nights you accidently broke the Masquerade. Some one else covered up for you, but they now hold that favor over you and takes advantage over you.

~Old Flame~
Someone you once cared deeply for is in with the enemy. He still attempts so use you "for old times sake". A Manipulation+Expression contested roll is required to act against him. You do not act against him unless your in a life threatening situation.

~Rival Sires~
Two vampires want to embrace you; one of them didn't get to. The one who is not your Sire is at a +2 difficulty to avoid Frenzy in your presece

You are so proud of your status and clan that you shot your mouth off to other Kindred, gaining some enemies. These enemies will take action to embaress or harm you.

Three Point Flaws
~Glowing Eyes~
Typical glowing vampire eyes. -1 difficulty on Intimidation rolls, +1 difficulty on sight based rolls, and +2 difficulty on Stealth rolls. You are a walking tear in the Masquerade, you must disguise your condidtion.

~Disgrace to the Blood~
Your Sire believes your embraced was a big mistake and he's told everyone. Everyone mocks and taunts you.

~Former Prince~
For on reason or another you are no longer the high and mighty ruler of a city. The Prince of the city you are currently in feels that you might be trying to make a come-back. If he sees an oppertunity to get rid of you, he just might take it.

~Hunted Like a Dog~
Another sect or group of vampires have chosen you for a target. Of course your enemy's enemy may want to help you out, which could gain you some Allies.

You snitch!! Not that it is a secret, everyone knows... even some give you misinformation to set you off track when they can. +1 difficulty on all Social rolls against those who dont' agree with your politics.

~Sleeping with teh Enemy~
You have an intimate connection with an opposing sect or inimical clan. If this is discovered, it is considered treason and punishable by death.

~Permanent Fangs~
Your fangs do not retract. You are limited to an Appearance rating of three.

Four Point Flaws
~Guilt Wracked~
Drinking blood makes you feel guilty as hell. Each time when feeding make a Conscience roll difficulty 7 or Frenzy; you try to avoid feeding as much as possible. Leaving you with a normally low blood pool.

~Loathsome Regnant~
You are Blood Bound to a vampire who treats you very bad. This is a never ending nightmare.

You have too many; ghouls, retainers, and influences. Your enemies are boxing you in, preventing your control from spreading. They are also taking every oppertunity to decrease your current holdings, being retainers or power.

~Blood Hunted~
4-6 pts
If you take this at the 4 pt value only your home city is off limits. If you take this at the 6 pt value all members of the Camarilla are after you.

Five Point Flaws
~Laughing Stock~
You have drawn the scorn on the Harpies.
+2 difficulty to all Social rolls in Elysium.
+1 difficulty to all Social rolls in City.
+2 difficulty to all Intimidation/Domintate rolls.
This applies to any roll that is being made against someone who has heard the stories mocking you.

Six Point Flaws
There are not too many of these out there.

Seven Point Flaws
~Red List~
You are on the list, or you are being considered being added to it. You will be attacked on site be a member of the Camarill, but they might call for backup first.


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