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This is my take on all that is unholy...

Well, this is a really heated subject nowadays, isn't it? That would be why I'm hitting on it. First, I have to admit that they do have talent, but thats all I'll admit to. Beyond that, they are worthless. Why they choose to waste their talent on young women, I don't know. Maybe it's the money, maybe the attention, or maybe they are all just pedophiles. Either way, I hate them and their soft pussy music. Even I could start a band that has pretty boy singers in it, and that's why there are tons of them out there, and thats why I hate them. Do you see a link here. I guess my problem is that I hate conformity. And what else would conformity be existant in, other than pop music and it's nice clothes and pretty faces, eh? Its like a shot below the belt. Nobody likes it, nobody wants it, and it should be frowned upon. All that these groups support is for everyone to be the same. Half their fans don't listen to the music anyways. All they like about them is THEM, not their music. How idiotic is that?

Another thing that really pisses me off is that punk music is going conformist and joining the boy bands. How annoying is this. For Christs sake, punk is supposed to be opposite of pop. Now granted, not all are selling out, just the big names, which sucks dick. And now they are setting a standard for other punk groups to target the pop fans, damnit! MAYBE this will drag them from the dark side to my side, but the methods are pulling fans INTO the dark side, and thats just wrong!

Anyways, this subject always gives me a headache. To email me, the link is on the bottom. Feel free to email me your thoughts and I might just use them (giving you credit, of course). Talk to me people, help my cause. Whether you love them or hate them, I would still love to hear it.

To mail me, just click HERE.