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**Welcome to the**
***DTigerSpirits Jungle Gym!***
~~DTigers ID's~~

Be a card-carrying member of the DTigers Team!
Get your personalized id cards here!
How? Just fill out the form with your name,
email address (MUST accept attachments),
web site address (URL)
what color you want card to be (green, blue, purple, gold) and pass it on to us!
We'll fix up a card just for you to place on your website. Then, you and all your friends will know YOU'RE a DTiger and you've got the CARD to prove it! *s*

Please fill out ALL info to ensure proper service.
Only push the "make-it" button once--it has been sent, even if it appears otherwise. If you are using webtv, please EMAIL your info to the email address with "subject=Tiger_IDs" below the form.
Thank You.

Your Name for ID:

Your E-Mail Address:

What Color ID? Green ID Card    Blue ID Card    Gold ID Card

Name of your Site:

Your Site URL:

If for some reason the form does not work, please email the above information with subject="Tiger_ID" to Thank You!

Sample ID   Sample ID
Sample ID   Sample ID

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