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The participants used in this study ranged from the ages of 21 – 59.There were ten males and twenty females.There were a total of thirty subjects.The subjects contained people who work with chemical dependent adolescents and people who were IUPUI students and had other occupations.Out of the thirty participants fifteen of them contained some knowledge of a chemical dependent adolescent and the remainder fifteen did not have any knowledge of a chemical dependent adolescent.


The materials used in conducting this research study are a questionnaire consisting of questions asking about parental and environmental effects.The questions are designed form an opinion.The questionnaire consisted of thirty questions; there were ten demographic, eleven questions on parental effects, and nine questions on environmental effects.These questions are designed to show validity in the participant’s opinions.


The participants were selected randomly.Half of the subjects were found through a behavioral healthcare facility that deals with adolescents who are chemically dependent.The other half of the questionnaires’ were handed out to students at IUPUI and miscellaneous companies.The questionnaire measured opinions of the participants on how much parental and environmental effects have an impact on an adolescent who is chemical dependent.There were two groups of participants.One group of participants had knowledge of an adolescent who was chemical dependent and the other group did not have any knowledge of an adolescent who was chemical dependent.The two groups were compared by their opinions on the parental and environmental effects.A one-way ANOVA and a two-way ANOVA analyzed the opinions.

The significance would be compared to determine any difference between the participants who have knowledge of a chemical dependent adolescent and the participants who have no knowledge of a chemical dependent adolescent.The participants are divided into two more groups.The two groups are divided by the age of the participant.The first group consists of participants who are 21- 34 years old and the second group consists of participants 35 – 59 years old.These groups were used to consider any opinion differences between the two age groups.The analyses that were done were Frequencies on age, gender, number of children, and knowledge of an adolescent.Means were run for age, parental effects, and environmental effects.Means were compared with gender of a participant and knowledge of a chemical dependent adolescent with the number of children the participant has.Another mean comparison was gender of the participant and knowledge of a chemical dependent adolescent with the age of the subject.Standard Deviations were found for age, parental effects, and environmental effects.Correlations were ran for the comparisons of age of the participant and whether or not the participant has knowledge of a chemical dependent adolescent compared to the parental effects and environmental effects.A one-way ANOVA on the participants’ knowledge of a chemical dependent adolescent compared with the parental and environmental effects.A two-way ANOVA was conducted on the age of the participants and the knowledge of a chemical dependent adolescent compared with parental and environmental effects.These were the analysis conducted in order to determine the results of the study.