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Don Juan's
Shrunken Head

Don Juan is a talented artist who skillfully handcrafts the finest shrunken head reproductions that I have ever seen. His heads are fashioned by using animal hides, hair, fur, and other natural materials in order to give them a very realistic appearance. Each one is a highly detailed, museum quality reproduction that would delight any aficionado of unique and exotic art objects. Artist Don Juan supplies the following data:

"Don Juan's shrunken heads are made by hand one at a time. No  two are ever exactly the same. My creations are modeled after authentic shrunken heads one may see in a museum. I can create a shrunken head to a customer's specifications. Bear in my mind that your shrunken head will be made from scratch upon ordering. A time frame of 4-6 weeks is needed for completion (depending on the materials used)." --Don Juan, Shrunken Head Artist

Don Juan's heads are for sale at reasonable prices, and you may contact him at the following email address for ordering information:

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Shuar Shrunken Head--This reproduction is so realistic
that only hair and tissue analysis could distinguish it from an
actual tsantsa.




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Shrunken Head in a Glass Dome.
Don Juan's hand helps give a sense of
the size of this head, nicely displayed under
a protective glass dome.





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Bigfoot Shrunken Head! Here is a real curiosity!
Don Juan has skillfully fashioned a head which closely
resembles the legendary Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Yeti.





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Old Man's Shrunken Head
Made from actual baboon skin and fur! These
materials are very rare and difficult to obtain.







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Another View of the Old Man's Shrunken Head
Note the baboon skull in the background. This reproduction
resembles the head of a missionary who must have fallen
afoul of the Jivaro! Very authentic looking!




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Shrunken Head Made From Wolf's Hide.
This wolf's hide tsantsa is so realistic that it could
fool the experts. 




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Another View of Wolf's Hide Tsantsa.
Much skill and hard work is required to create
such realistic detail.



Don Juan has other shrunken head reproductions available
and we will hopefully be able to show them here soon.

For ordering information and price ranges
contact Don Juan's Shrunken Head Shack at:



Authentic human shrunken heads. If you have a unwanted shrunken head , consider donating it to me to help me with my continuing studies and  art.  Will consider any shrunken head that is currently for sale.  Any shape or condition acceptable.

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