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Scenes from Monster Bash 2003!

    You can see photos of all the celebs and guests of honor who attended the Monster Bash '03  by going to the official Monster Bash website. This page is dedicated to some of our special friends who help make the Bash experience such deliriously good fun!



Here I am with Linda Miller, talented artist and good friend,
who sends us wonderful home made greeting cards featuring
her remarkably detailed pencil renderings of scenes from
classic horror films. The grim figure of the Carpathian
hovers in the background. Linda subtitled his appearance
at the Bash this year as "Death Takes a Personal Day!"


My son Max poses with Linda's beautiful drawing of
the Gill Man. If memory serves me correctly, I think that
both Ben Chapman and Julie Adams autographed this one.
Too bad Max didn't have his little sunglasses on for this
photo--when he wears them, he looks just like Ozzy!


The proud Count Fritz of stands beside his
bewitching bride-to-be, Allison, who is a practicing mortician (the lucky
stiff!) Alison wowed convention attendees with her marvelously morbid
life-size 3-D reproductions of the Eraser Head baby, while Fritz displayed
his unique and beautiful Lugosi art pieces. Click on the vampirunlimited
link above to see and purchase their fine items.


Max and friend Todd Spidle before box loads of special memories.
Each year, Todd delights Max and me with his good conversation
and impressive selection of rare comic books (at great prices, too!)
This year, Todd made one of our dreams come true when he asked
Max and me to "mind the store" for him while he helped Ron and
the other Bash Folk pack things up. We've long cherished the
vision of opening our own comic-and-pulp back issue outlet,
and we had great fun making a few sales for Todd!


Click here to read more about events at Monster Bash '03!

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