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Monster Bash

Here are a few pictures from Monster Bash 2001, which was held this year at the Days Inn on Rt. 8 in Butler, PA.

For the Monster Bash this year, Carol, Max and I decided to try something different. Billing ourselves as Hue & Eye, we set up a dealer's table and sold Carol's artwork along with other unusual items from the dungeons, crypts and catacombs of The Seventh Tower. Our decision to become Bash dealers proved to be a good one: not only did we sell lots of ghoulish goodies, we got a chance to talk to just about everybody at the Bash. It was great to make so many new friends. Here are just a couple of shots of colorful creatures found wandering amok through the halls and chambers of the Butler Days Inn this past weekend....


Ygor.jpg (82496 bytes)Ygor gives Max a hand in this photo, which is being used
as evidence at the pending trial. Our attorney informed us
that charges against Ygor probably won't stick. "Old Ygor
already dead!" he explained, indicating the futility of our
case. We may drop charges anyway, since Max is starting
to like wearing a neck brace.  And Ygor has offered to dig
up a few "medical specimens" for my work in the lab--a
kind offer we just can't refuse.....


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I keep warning Carol not to hang out in bars and nightclubs.
Perhaps this encounter with the Undead will teach her a lesson!
But from the looks of things, she doesn't mind finding herself
in the clutches of Count Orlok! Rumor has it that the man
in the photo is actually the very talented (and very taloned)
musician, Kevin Slick, in make up by Ron Chamberlain. 
But after spending the next morning giving my anemic 
wife several blood transfusions, I'm not so sure......



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In a frightening display of Fez Power, I  join forces with 
Roberto, the Mexican Movie Man, and summon the
wrath of Kharis upon the infidel who accidentally used my 
fez as a popcorn container during a movie showing. 




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Carpathian, our favorite reaper, harvested a bumper crop
of new fans at the Bash. You'll all get a chance to meet this
cheerful fellow someday....




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