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The United Brotherhood Of Universal Truth

There is good and there is evil.
There is wrong and there is right.
Religion, Science, and Philosophy are the Holy Trinity.
And Truth is the God they all serve.
Truth is the tie that binds, the one thing uniting all of humankind.
Come, Share and Discover in the many truths of many view points just like your own.
This is a place of learning and gathering
For people of all kinds, and from all places
To share Ideas and Knowledge in an E-Mail based forum.
This is NOT a mailing list.
Thank you and Enjoy!

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Thanks again for your interest in world unity, peace and most of all the noble cause of Truth.

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  • White Raven's CornerNow Open!

    Here I have created a section devoted entirely to myself. I've included some poetry, favorite links, personal philosophy, and a few short stories.
  • "Group Members" Corner

    I was also thinking about doing seperate sections of the site devoted entirely to the other members and their favorite links and Bio. Let me know what you think. Upload the files you want to have used as your section of the site into the U.B.O.U.T. Vault's "Members Section of WebSite" folder and I'll see to it that it gets put up on the site, or an easier way for those of you who are webmasters can create a site somewhere and I'll insert a link to it from here, as long as there is a link back to this site from there.

  • Shopping Center!Now Open!

    Do some shopping, Get a FREE Download, You might find something you like.

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