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BUDDY B-210   F r e q u e n t   A s k e d   Q u e s t i o n s
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1.     What is the Buddy B-210?
Buddy B-210 is a PCI-bus Ultra Thin Client product, utilising Direct Video Drive technology that enables up to 4 additional users to share the computing power and resources of a single computer running Win95/98. Simply install Buddy B-210 into the existing computer (Host PC) and connect additional monitor, keyboard and mouse

With BUDDY B-210, users can simultaneously and independently use the same or different application software like Word and Excel to create or edit their own documents. Users can also share peripherals including CD-ROM, Zip drive, printers, modem and other hardware installed on the computer. They can even share network access with unique customised desktop and network login. All users can also surf the Internet and access email at the same time using only one modem, one telephone line and one Internet Service Provider account.

The Buddy B-210 kit comprises of:
(a) Buddy Add-on Card (PCI)
(b) Buddy Junction Box
(c) Buddy Software/Drivers
(d) Buddy CAT-5 Cable
(e) User Manual

2.     Why would I want to buy a Buddy B-210?
With Buddy B-210, all users can enjoy the full capabilities of the computer. The Buddy B-210 reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by
(a) Reducing your initial Investment
(b) Reducing your cost of Upgrading
(c) Lowering your cost of maintenance and services

3.     Can all users surf the Internet at the same time?
Yes, one of the best features of Buddy B-210 is that all users can surf the Internet on different web sites at the same time, using just one telephone line, one modem and one Internet Service Provider account.

4.     Does Buddy B-210 support faster modems?
Yes, Buddy B-210 supports 28.8K, 33.6K and the new 56K modems. It also supports ISDN, ADSL, T1 and any wide-band connections.

5.     Can I share the printer and CD-ROM Drive? What about Modem?
Yes, all users can share the printer and CD-ROM Drive. If you log onto the Internet through an Internet Service Provider (ISP), all users will be able to share the same modem, telephone line and ISP account, to concurrently access the internet, with no increase in cost.

6.     Does Buddy B-210 allow me to view video clips and listen to music or other sounds?
Yes, you can view the video clip on the Buddy B-210 Stations but it does not support audio at the present moment.

7.     Can all users use the same application software at the same time?
It depends on the type of application software you are using. Most application software will allow all users to open and edit different documents at the same time, using the same program. Each user can also use different application software concurrently provided it allows multitasking or multisession.

Users who intend to run application software concurrently on the Buddy Stations and Host Computer are advised to do the following:

(a)    Review the Application software's End User License Agreement if they are authorised to run multiple instances/sessions, using a single copy of the Application software, concurrently on the Buddy Stations and the Host Computer and/or

(b)    Check with the respective companies of the application software for such usage and/or similar usage.

8.     Will this make my computer work slower?
Most applications, once booted up, will run nearly as fast as with one user. Modem communications will also be as fast. Booting up applications and playing video clips or games are activities that place the most demand on the computer's resources. Once an application is booted up, all users can use it without delays or interruption. Most users will notice little difference in speed or performance.

9. Can I use DOS applications with Buddy B-210?
Buddy Station supports full screen DOS prompt under Windows 95/98. You can now run DOS applications and games, and access the DOS command prompt from the Buddy Stations.

10.     Can I use the monitor from an older PC for the BUDDY stations?
Yes, as long as it is a VGA or Super VGA monitor.

11.     Can the main system and second station access the same CD-ROM at the same time?
Yes, it depends of the CD-ROM's contents to be accessed.

12.     Can I add more than one station on the same computer system?
Yes, depending on the number of available PCI slots, up to a maximum of four (4) Buddy B-210 Stations can be connected

13.     Can I play interactive games on both stations?
Yes, but it depends on the type of games to be played. The second station will not have sound.

14.     Can I add a Buddy B-210 System to a computer network (e.g. LAN)?
Yes, Win/NT and Novell Netware networks are supported. You only require one network node (one network card and one IP address) for all the users. Users can login to the network by using different user names and passwords.

15.     Can the main system user monitor and control the activities on other BUDDY stations?
The main system can turn the other Buddy Stations ON/OFF and Shutdown only. You cannot control the activities on the other Buddy Stations.

16.     Can we install two CD-ROM drives on the main system so that all users can access separate CD-ROM drives at the same time?
Yes, you can have 2 CD-ROM drives in the same system. However, to ensure that the system is not confused by ejecting & closing of the "door" of the CD-ROM Drive, you need to uncheck the "AUTO-INSERT NOTIFICATION" in the Device Manager for both CD-ROM Drives.

17.    Can the Buddy B-210 System run on Win98?
Yes, it can support several languages of Win98.
* Arabic Enabled Windows 98
* Danish Windows 98
* Dutch Windows 98
* Dutch Windows 98 Second Edition
* English (United States) Windows 98
* English (United States) Windows 98 Second Edition
* Finnish Windows 98
* French Windows 98
* French Windows 98 Second Edition
* German Windows 98
* German Windows 98 Second Edition
* Greek Windows 98
* Greek Windows 98 Second Edition
* Hebrew (enabled) Windows 98
* Hebrew (Localised) Windows 98
* Hungarian Windows 98 Second Edition
* Italian Windows 98
* Italian Windows 98 Second Edition
* Japanese Windows 98
* Japanese Windows 98 Second Edition
* Korean Windows 98
* Korean Windows 98 Second Edition
* Norwegian Windows 98
* Norwegian Windows 98 Second Edition
* Portuguese (Brazilian) Windows 98
* Portuguese (Standard) Windows 98
* Portuguese Windows 98 Second Edition
* Russian Windows 98
* Simplified Chinese Windows 98
* Simplified Chinese Windows 98 Second Edition
* Slovenian Windows 98
* Slovenian Windows 98 Second Edition
* Spanish Windows 98
* Spanish Windows 98 Second Edition
* Swedish Windows 98
* Swedish Windows 98 Second Edition
* Traditional Chinese Windows 98
* Traditional Chinese Windows 98 Second Edition
* Turkish Windows 98

18. In order to enhance the speed of Buddy B-210 system, should I increase the Memory (32MB RAM to 64MB) or upgrade the CPU speed (e.g. 166 to 233MHz)? I have a limited budget and can only afford one upgrade.
It depends on the types of applications you are running. If it is memory-intensive application, it is recommended that memory be increased. If it is a CPU-intensive application, it is recommended to upgrade your CPU.

19.    When both users open the same file, can they save the file at the same time?
It depends on the types of applications you are running. Some applications will provide full read and write privileges to the user who opened or accessed the file first, the other users may then have read only privilege.

20.     Can the Buddy B-210 system run on a Host PC with Win/NT Operating System?
No, it currently does not support Windows NT.

21.     Can I install programs on the Buddy B-210 Station?
Yes, it is possible with most applications. However, it is advisable to install from the Host PC.

22.     What maximum resolution the Buddy B-210 Station's can support?
640 x 480 x 32-bit colours at 85Hz (True Colour)
800 x 600 x 32-bit colours at 85Hz (True Colour)
1024 x 768 x 32-bit colours at 75Hz (True Colour)
1280 x 1024 x 16 bits colours at 60Hz (True Colour)

23.    When connecting the Buddy B-210 system to the LAN, can all users login to the network using different accounts?
Yes, Win/NT and Novell Netware networks are supported. You only require one network card and one IP address for all the users. Users can login to the network by using different user names and passwords.
Additional information provided as follows: -
(a) If you are using Lotus CC:Mail 6.0 for Win95, all users can use the same or different email accounts to login.
(b) All users can send messages to each other using the Buddy Control Centre "Send a Message" features.
(c) All users can send email to each other using the same or different email accounts.

24.     What is the recommended system memory?
It depends on the types of applications you are running. If it is a memory-intensive application, it is recommended that the memory to be increased. To get optimum performance, it is recommended:-
- Windows 95
  Minimum of 32MB for Host & 16MB of memory for each additional user
- Windows 98
  Minimum of 64MB for Host & 32MB of memory for each additional user

25.     What type of hard disk should I use to get optimum performance?
Hard Disks with faster access time and transfer rate is preferred. Ultra DMA/33 Hard Disks and SCSI Hard Disks generally provide better performance.

26.    What type of Cable should I use and what is the transmission speed?
We are using standard CAT-5 shielded cable. The transmission speed is 132 Mbits per second and the maximum distance is 50 feet.

28.        Do I need to buy additional software licenses?
Users who intend to run the application software concurrently on the Buddy Stations and Host Computer are advised to do the following:

(a)    Review the Application software' End User License Agreement if they are authorised to run multiple instances/sessions, using a single copy of the Application software, concurrently on the Buddy Stations and the Host Computer and/or

(b) Check with the respective companies of the application software for such usage and/or similar usage.

29. What is the main difference between Buddy B-200 & Buddy B-210?
The main differences between Buddy B-200 and Buddy B-210 is illustrated below:

  Buddy B-200 Buddy B-210
Bus ISA 16-bit PCI 32-bit
Data Transfer Rate 32Mb/sec 132Mb/sec
VGA Chipset Cirrus Logic CL/GD5429 Trident 3D Image T9750 Graphics
Max. No. of Buddy
Stations Supported
2 4

30. Can Buddy B-200 and Buddy B-210 share the same junction box?
No, the junction box for the 2 cards are completely different and is not interchangeable.

31. Can Buddy B-200 and Buddy B-210 cards co-exist on a same Host PC?
Yes, both Buddy B-200 and Buddy B-210 cards can co-exist on a same Host PC.

32. What does Rambooster do?
    RamBooster is a software program that frees up the Ram in your PC by forcing Windows to remove all the data that is not currently needed in the memory. Some advantages of this are:
* No more lock-ups
* Some applications load as much as 40% faster
* Prevents blue screens
* Makes web surfing faster, especially if you visit sites with heavy graphics.