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Faust's Nightmare/Atmosfear FAQ!

Welcome maggots to my FAQ page, where the most Frequently Asked Questions from people concerning Nightmare and/or Atmosfear are posted up. Enjoy! Also, if you have a question that you would like to have posted then e-mail me below and I'll post it up ASAP.

I have been asked a myriad of questions and have been barraged with even more, but I'm putting up the most asked questions that are important to people. Right now the most FAQ is-

1. Where can I get and/or find Nightmare and Atmosfear games?

- The best source is Ebay by far. Rare games even pop up every now and then.

2. Will another game be released ever?

- The last game released was Atmosfear: Khufu DVD in 2006. There is no word as to a new game being made.

3. Do you work for Chieftain or affiliated with A Couple of Cowboys?

- No. I am not affiliated with either! This page is merely a fan site and not here to endorse money or exploit the game, we are here as a fan group and here to help people find the games.

4. How can I join the Team?

- In the past we had membership applications but we eventually did away with them. The Well of Fears is our forum and de facto way of team membership.

5. How long has the Team been running? Who started it?

- The Team has been running for 11 years so far (mid-1998) and will continue on. Darkwolff and I started this project back in the day and over the years we've acquired much help from other reputable members, Marr0w is one of them and is also seen as one of the team leaders.


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