Welcome maggots to the Nightmare/Atmosfear Team update page. Here you'll find out what has been going on recently and what will be going on in the future. If you have any suggestions then please feel free to E-mail me at my address below.
- September 06,2009 - Updated some images and links. Revamped The Void.
August 21, 2009 - After a long span of not updating I've decided to progressively revamp the website. So far I've changed some of the layout and corrected some coding errors and removed dead links.
APRIL 05, 2008 - After four years and seven months I've finally updated the page. I cleaned up some dead links along with revamping the members page. I chose to not have a members list due to privacy and security reasons, since names and email addresses were shown. The Harvester's Field link will no longer redirect you to Darkwolff's membership application, but to The Well of Fears, our forum. I felt this to be a more appropriate redirect since a member can have more interaction with the team there.
SEPTEMBER 09, 2003 - Updated a few tiny adjustments to the site. Updated the FAQ a little and fixed some broken link! Going to do a lot more updates in the near future.
AUGUST 27, 2003 - Man...I sure gap my updates in lengthened periods. Today I updated the members list! Yay! I actually updated something on this site. However, I need to start brainstorming and come up with some new ideas for the website. Later Maggots!
DECEMBER 14, 2002 - Well, I finally added The Lab to the site and hopefully I'll be able to work on that for a bit until I can finally brainstorm a good idea and system for the new RPG. Also, I added a few little trinkets on the site as well as a new guestbook.
DECEMBER 12, 2002 - Wow! Another update that I haven't done in many months. I've been wanting to do new things for this site, but my ideas end up in a brain-fart when I want to execute them. Anyhow, the update was small, but was necessary. I added all the members to the members page from requests back as far as Feb. 2002. Keep coming back! I'll try to update as much as possible.
MARCH 29, 2002 - DAMN! I haven't updated in a long time, and finally, I came up with something that is notable as an update for the team. I am putting up a new link that will take you to the page of the creation of the new Atmosfear RPG. This page will reflect on the ideas of making a new and improved Atmosfear RPG. I, myself, have been debating on using the new D20 system; even though the new page is used as a brainstorm for ideas.
NOVEMBER 6, 2001 - As you can see I haven't really done a whole lot of updating to my site. Mostly reasons due to the lack of time and working. I'm trying to keep things going steady though with creating the new edition Atmosfear RPG and what not. Anyhow, the new update today is I finally went through my e-mail and added everyone who has applied for membership applications onto the Nightmare/Atmosfear List. I'm sorry for all those who had to wait, because there was applications that were back from June even...lol! I hope you maggots prosper and I'll keep you informed of new updates!
MAY 3, 2001 - My first update for 2001! WOW! Well, this isn't a big update! I just wanted everyone to know that I added on to the members list all those people who have been really wanting to get on, and I found some time to do that. Thanks a lot!
OCT. 30, 2000 - Added screenshots of Nightmare: Keeper of Darkness. Page can be found in the Hallways. Door is labelled "The Void".
COMING SOON! Nightmare: Keeper of Darkness Screen Shots!
OCT. 30, 2000 - Added URL for the Other Side Library to the main page.
OCT. 27, 2000 - Welcome maggots to the updates page! So far I wiped the slates clean and totally revamped my Nightmare/Atmosfear sites. I no longer have sites in Geocities anymore so you might have dead links if you have those on your favorites. There is still much more to be put up and I'll keep you all informed. Thanks for visiting!
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Email: vorphalak@mailexcite.com