Fav. Color: Red cause red candy always tastes the best and red makes things beautiful.
Bad Habit: Taps on things when he's talking.
Fav. Bands/Singers: No Doubt, Counting Crows, Spin Doctors, and Billy Joel.
Dream Vacation Spot: Salt Lake City, Utah cuz he alwayz wanted to go there.
Fav. movies: Star Wars and Hunchback of Notre Dame (the Disney one?)
Fav. play: Les Miserables
Fav. T.V. shows: "Frasier", "Seinfeld", "Friends" and "Anamaniacs" (Basically, he likes comedies)
Fav. subjects: Literature and Computer
Fav. soda: Mug Root Beer
Fav. Actor: Tom Cruise
Fav. ice cream flavor: strawberry
Wears CkBe.
Brushes w/Colgate.
Has a long braided rat tail.
Gets embarrassed by Zac.
Likes the Miami Dolphins
Shares clothes w/Zac.
When Tay plays congas and keyboard, he always stomps his left foot.
OK. I don't know if this is just me, but I can really tell on R & KL that when Tay sings his eyebrows move up and down. It's SO funny and cute. You have to see it to understand what I'm saying.
Sleeps on bottom bunk in the bunk bed he shares w/Ike.
Has some sort of crush on Jennifer Aniston from "Friends", Baby Spice (Emma), Gwen Stefani from No Doubt, and Pamela Lee.
He is ambidextrous. (For all of you who don't know what this means, he uses both hands. Dont' feel bad if you didn't know it, I had to ask my mom to give me a word that means you use both your hands!)
Used to be a REALLY hyper kid. Never took off his baseball cap and always ran around w/a sword.
When its late and everyone is trying to sleep, he gets really wacky/crazy/hyper/like Zac. (Same here!!!)
Zac and Ike describe him as a perfectionist.
When Tay was younger, he supposedly poured glue on Ike's head and Ike had to shave all his hair off.
He'd like to try acting.
Collects necklaces.
Likes to clean.
Makes portraits of ppl he likes.
He was supposed to kiss agirl in the "Where's The Love" video. There
was a contest in England that a girl won and she got to kiss Tay. They
took it out cuz it didn't fit the scene. He hated the kiss cuz, cause it was
his first kiss and she tried to deep-throat him.
He likes his studio at home. He calls it the "den of robbers" cuz of the colored walls and lights make it look like gangster headquarters.
Painted most of the walls in their studio. (garage)
Carries a dictaphone so he doesn't 4get song ideas..
Has a laptop. I think it is a Toshiba. (Hey! So is my laptop. *8oP)
It's rumored that Tay's fav. word is "weird". (Hmm...I wonder)
Tay can also play the drums, although not on the album.
He used to hate being compared to a girl, but now he thinks its funny.
On the song "Speechless" when Tay says speechless, you can really tell he has a lisp. (I'm not dissing Tay in anyway, I just noticed that though)
Approx. cost of Tay's tamborine: $40
He thinks Shakespeare's work is amazing.
Gets mad when ppl pull on his braid.
He plays a PC88 Kurzweil, Korg iX300, and Korg N264. (Doing some research, I found out these keyboards aren't exactly cheap.)
Got a flight attendant mad on the way to London cuz he was flying paper airplanes.
When writing songs, he just plays on the piano until he gets the right melody.
Broke his arm when he flipped over his bike handlebars. He still has the cast and compares it to his arm to see how much its (his arm) grown.
Turns red when he sings.
Blushes easily.
Bites his lip & his nails.
He has to watch his mouth cause he's a sort of a potty-mouth.
He can speak with an English accent.
Created most of their official website, Hansonline. (not confirmed)
Has Doc Marten, Adidas, and Airwalk shoes.
He uses Herbal Essences or Flex shampoo.
Keeps 2 journals-1 for everyday stuff and the other for more personal stuff.
Likes creamy peanut butter.
Tay's Fav. Soccer Player is Alexi Lalas. (You know, the guy from all those commercials.)
Wears Dickies and Army/Navy pants.
Tay's not into the Romeo and Juliet puffy-sleeves look.
Hates it when fans scream when they meet him. (If someone walked up to me and started screaming, I would freak out!!)
Has been rollerblading for 5 or 6 years.
He likes to rollerblade on Venice Beach.
On Jay Leno, Tay had a purple tongue.
Once, Ike was writing a letter to a friend who was a girl, and Tay took
it and wrote "I want you desperately" to the end of it.
In an interview, his parents said the he has recieved various marriage
proposals. (Right, like he's really gonna marry you at age 14)
Tay has a pager.
Wears a retainer, therefore he has a lisp.
When the family has a problem, they go to him. He's considered the peacemaker of the family.
When Tay is getting off of that boat @ the MTV Movie Awards, you can see Tay say,"Oh sh*t!, Oh f*ck!" (I don't know who e-mailed me that, but I watched it again, and it does kinda look like it!!)
Had a cat named MaMa, but it is rumored he doesn't have it anymore.
Him and Zac drew the Muscle Men inside of the MON CD Cover.
Thinks Prince and Michael Jackson are amazing.
Draws cartoons in his spare time.
Has a scar on his leg from soccer, a scar on his back form rollerblading, and a scar on the left side of his face from running into a glass door when he was little.
Sings lead in everything except for Lucy, Man from Milwaukee, and Minute Without You. Shares lead on Madeline.
He plays keyboards, congas, synthesizer, and he sings lead.
He sleeps in a tank top and boxers. (Am I obsessed or what?)
Toothbrush is aquamarine.
Listens to Casey Kasam's Top 40 Countdown.
Loves monkeys and dolphins.
He loves jellybeans.
If given $20, Tay says he would buy lots and lots of jellybeans.
Had a candy stash, but when he went to get it, it was covered w/ants.
Wears several necklaces. They are a couple of crosses, a charm that kinda looks like a star of David, and a soccer ball charm.
On one part of Motel CA, he accidentally unplugs Ike's controller w/his foot. When Ike tries to start playing again, it doesn't work. It's funny.
He also loves soccer, rollerblading, and go-carting.
Wears a watch on his right wrist.
Once, Ike had written this love letter to this one girl and Tay read it. Tay was so digusted he threw it in a fountain.
While recording "With You in You Dreams" Tay started crying.
"I'll Be With You In Your Dreams" is dedicated in the memory of his grandmother. (That's why he cried. he was sad cuz she died.)