"MMMBop" and "Where's the Love" Video Facts and Rumors
"MMMBop" and "Where's the Love" Video Facts and Rumors
This page tells facts and rumors from the 2 Hanson videos. If you
disagree w/anything or know something that's not here, feel free to e-mail me!!
MMMBop Video Facts and Rumors
- At the beginning, you can see people standing outside the window. (Behind Zac)
- You know how they are singing in front of a pansy? Well, they messed up on one part cuz when Tay is singing in front of the green background (a.k.a. a green screen), the flower image is supposed to be back there. You know what I mean. The green screen is what the weather guy stands in front of and all the back grounds are behind him. Same concept here, just that they messed up.
- On the part of the song near the end where Tay is going, "Whoaawhoaaaooh" or whatever over the MMMBop chorus, it shows Tay singing the chorus, not the voice-over.
- The water on the beach was 20 degrees.
- Zac is chewing gum throughout the whole video.
- Zac got them kicked off the bus by swinging on the bars.
- The rollerblading crash was an accident.
- There are 2 versions of the MMMBop video. One has all the black and white Albert Einstein footage. I have this version. I have noticed on the other version Zac is bending over while he was rollerblading waving to the camera. It's not on the one w/black and white footage.
- They are playing in the Dust Brothers' house.
- The only time they are really playing MMMBop is when they are in front of the flower.
- The car they are in is the one Sandra Bullock uses in Speed 2.
- the car is being towed.
- When Tay switches to the drivers seat and Zac moves to the back, you can see Zac put a chokehold around Ike, who's in the passenger seat.
- Zac and Tay are wearing Airwalk shoes.
Where's the Love Video Facts and Rumors
- At the beginning of the video, when the camera is going through the crowd behind Tay, you can see Tay's red and white candy-striped boxers sticking out from his jeans.
- Tay is real intent on all the couples, but Ike and Zac don't seem to really care.
- Ike is playing w/his coffee cup.
- The lady in the pink dress and green turban walks by 11 times.
***Thanks to Sarah for the above info***
- You can see the guy holding the light twice during Ike's solo.
- When the 3 of them are sitting at the table, Zac is biting his nails.
- When Zac is running by Tay and accidentaly runs into him on his way to jump on Ike's back, you can see Tay go, "Watch it, Zac."
- On the second time they sing the chorus and they show a close-up of Zac going, "Oooooh, Oooooh,", Zac almost busts out laughing.
- You know the part where Ike and Tay go, "Look at, look at, look at what we're doing"? Well, The second look at Ike is supposed to sing, but Tay lip syncs thatpart instead. It looks kinda funny!
- At the end, where Tay goes, "Won't you, won't you give it up", Zac lip syncs it too. It's cute!
- The same people walk by on the steps, not just the lady in the turban.
- There are 2 rumors on what the thing blurred out on the pole says. 1.)New Hanson Video-Where's the Love Shoot today 2.) It has the Airwalk logo on it. Here is how YOU can determine ewhat it says. When it shows a close-up of Tay on keyboards, the pole is right behind him. You can sorta read the sign cuz it isn't blurred out there. I still haven't seem it yet.
- On the part of the video where it goes, "We're trippin' all over ourselves and pullin' each other down.", it looks like Ike sneezes in Zac's hair when he says "Trippin'". Its kinda funny.
- On the video they cut out part of the song, but doesn't every vid./song. It's the part where Tay's going, "Oh. Oh. Oh." or whatever. You get the idea.
- If Tay actually kissed a girl, I think the girl was the blonde one w/the white tanktop they show in the beginning of the video.
- Well, of course there's the oh so famous rumor that Tay kissed a girl in the video. Well, in the actual video, he doesn't, but its is rumored that he really did, but it was edited out because he wasn't comfortable so it looked bad.
- Where's the Love was filmed at a power plant in London, England.
- On the part where Tay is singing, "We're segregating, consciences are fading", he messes up on his lip syncing. It looks like he goes, "We're sepgregating".
- Throughout the video, Zac and Tay think the camera isn't really focused on them, so they hardly even say their lines.
- Tay and Zac start chasing those pigeons. Tay even tries to kick them. Poor birds!!
Email: ckander@mail.illini.net