Things I Wonder...
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Things I Wonder...

This is my page that tells you things that I wonder about Hanson. Don't worry, nothing perverted. Just stuff that I'm curious about. If you know answers to any of the following questions, please e-mail me.

I wonder if Ike, Tay, and Zac ever wear shorts. I haven't EVER seen them wear shorts. Have you?

Well,my friend Jaime noticed that if you go to Hansonline, there is a picture of them outside of Uiversal Studios, and they are all wearing shorts. Wow! I never knew that!! *8oP Thanks Jaime!! Also, may ppl have e-mailed me the Ike was wearing shorts on MTV's Motel California. I think a couple ppl e-mailed me that they are wearing shorts in the MMMBop video. I could not figure it out until I realized that they were wearing the shorts on the wetsuits on the beach.

Are Ike and Johnny Lang friends? You know they're both guitar players and they are both 16.

Do you think Ike, Tay, and Zac tape their performances and then watch them later?

It is rumored that Walker Hanson tapes his sons performances. On Fox After Breakfast Walker is seen taping Zac, Tay, and Ike's performance. Also, several ppl who went 2 the Y100 Wing-Ding said they saw Walker taping the brothers H.

Why did Zac look so ticked off on Jay Leno?

Both of these rumors have been proven UNTRUE by the Hansonline Webmaster. I am keeping them up for entertainment value. It is rumored that a good friend of the Hansons had passed away prior to the show. It is also rumored that during the rehearsal of the Tonight Show, Tay kept messing up on the part where he goes, "We're segregating, consciences are fading". Well, just when he started to get it right, Zac started making fun of Tay and Tay started messing up again. So, Ike and Tay were supposedly ticked off @ Zac. So Zac wasn't really acting like himself. Some one e-mailed me this so I don't know if this is true or not!!!

Why wasn't Zac's hair finished on Leno? The front was braided, but the back wasn't. You could see it when he turned his head.

It is said that they didn't finish because they didn't think anyone would see it. Who knows?

What did Zac eat before the performance on Leno to make his tongue yellow and what did Tay eat to make his tongue purple?

My friend CarizyAl got to meet Hanson @ the Leno show and she says that there was a basket of candy backstage. It contained Now and Laters, licorice, and suckers. The things that changed the color of their tongues were the Now and Laters.

When will Issac get his braces off?

Well, since he didn't have 'em on I think during the making of MON then maybe 1, 2, or 3 years. However long he needs 'em.

You know that girl w/the blonde hair and the white tank top on in the "Where's the Love" vid. You know, the one they get a close-up of near the beginning. Well, was she the one Tay kissed, but that was later edited out?

I have gotten mixed answers for this question. Some say Tay didn't kiss anyone, but others say that he did and it was edited out. That is why I wonder about it. Did he or didn't he? I also heard that the blonde girl was their cousin. Who knows.

What are they eating/drinking in the "Where's the Love" vid?

Well, I know that Zac is drinking soda (BIG surprise!) and someone e-mailed to me that it was cake that Ike and Tay were eating. I also heard that Ike wasn't drinking anything cuz he accidentally kinda tips his cup and nothing spills out.(???) I also heard they could be eating spaghetti. Who knows.

What is being blurred out on that pole in the "Where's the Love" vid.?

There are 2 answers or rumors I guess you could say about what it says.
1.)New Hanson Video-Where's the Love shoot today
2.)It is the Airwalk logo and they don't wanna pay Airwalk to have their logo put in the video, so they just blurred it out.

In the MMMBop video, they are singing in front of a pansy, but the song talks about daisies and roses. Can anyone explain this to me?

Do any of them wear contacts?

It is rumored that Tay does.

Did Zac like being kissed over and over again my Jenny McCarthy?

Were Tay and Ike jealous of Zac because of abv. question?

How does Zac stay SOOO hyper, all the time? I mean that kid must have caffeine 24/7!!!

According to Zac, "I thinks its that I'm shy, that I act wacky to make up." There you go.

Have any of them actually found a fan that they thought they might want to go out with?

Well, Ike has met a fan he was REALLY into at a concert once, but I'm not sure about Tay and Zac.

In the song "Look At You", does Zac say, "Turn me loose like a one-eyed purple moose or louse or goose?"

I have recieved mixed replies, but I think it is a louse. A louse is singular for lice. Thanks to Hansongirl for this info. Others say its goose or moose. Maybe someone should ask Zac. The mystery would be solved if someone did!

Does Tay braid his own rat-tail or does someone do it for him? If someone does do it for him, who does it?

Who would more people like to be, Lucy or Madeline?

I've gotten a lot of votes for Madeline on this question.

Will they ever come to my webpage?

Will I ever meet them?

well, I didn't meet them , but I talked to them on the phone. Sure, close enough.
