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How Mom Died...

This is the inquest results as copied from the Daily Register (local newspaper).
Coroner's jury rules woman's death a suicide By BRENT WALKER
Deputy Editor
HARRISBURG, Ill.(June 30, 1998) — A six-person jury ruled in an inquest Monday that the May 31 death of a 44-year-old Harrisburg woman was a suicide, listing a drug overdose as the cause of death.
Roseann Lloyd was found by a friend in her home at 520 East Church Street, according to Harrisburg Police Officer Dee Pelhank, who was called to the scene. He added that there was no evidence of breaking and entering or any other sign of foul play. Police found two suicide notes in Lloyd's apartment.
Pelhank said that officers also found several empty pill bottles. Among them were a 30-count bottle of the antidepressant amitriptyline and a 60-count bottle of amantadine, and antiviral drug used to fight Parkinson's disease. Those two prescriptions had only been filled four days before, yet police found no amitriptyline and only four amantadine pills left.
Saline County Coroner Ken Sloan told the jury that both drugs taken in excess could lead to death, and added that toxicology reports showed lethal levels of amitryptyline in Lloyd's bloodstream

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