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September 18, 2001
9:30am - 3:30pm
Royal Bank Lecture Theatre
Halifax Infirmary, Summer St.

Presented by:   NACPAC ~ North American Chronic Pain Association of Canada


9:30- 10:00       Registration 
10:00-11:00       Terry Bremner, 
                       “Planning for Tomorrow” 
11:00- 11:20      BREAK 
11:20- 12:00      Support Group Presentation, 
                         “Welcome to our Meeting” 
12:00- 1:00       LUNCH 
1:00- 2:00        Dr. Paul McIntyre, “Cancer Pain” 
2:00- 2:15        BREAK 
2:30- 3:15        Dr. Mary Lynch, 
                         “Canabaloids, Topicals, and  
                          other new Medicines” 
3:15- 3:30        Closing and Collection of  
                  Evaluation sheets 


Terry Bremner: 

   Terry was schooled in Bedford and is a graduate 
   of the Halifax Vocational School.  He has spent
   over 10 years in the life insurance industry, 
   with many stops across Canada, recruiting,
   training, and selling.  Terry has also presented
   seminars demonstrating how improved interview
   skills can increase the opportunity of getting a
   job.  He is a chronic pain survivor for over five

Dr. Mary Lynch: 

   Dr. Mary Lynch, of the Pain Management Clinic, at
   the QEII, is an associate professor with the 
   Department of Psychiatry and Anesthesiology at
   Dalhousie University. She is Director of Research
   at the Pain Management Unit, QEII and has 10 years
   experience in the field of pain management.  She
   is also an experienced Acupuncturist.

Dr. Paul McIntyre: 

   Dr. McIntyre obtained his MD from the University of
   Ottawa in 1976.  He did postgraduate training in
   Family Medicine at Dalhousie University from 1976-
   78.  He also did postgraduate work in Palliative
   Medicine at the University of Ottawa 1993-94.  He
   is presently a physician with the Palliative Care
   Service at the QEII Health Sciences Center in 
   Halifax, and is Residency Program Director for
   Palliative Medicine at Dalhousie University.  
   Dr. McIntyre is married and has two young daughters.

Support Group Presentation: 

 While planning this year’s conference the planning
 committee decided that it would be a good opportunity
 to demonstrate just what goes on at our meetings.  It
 would also be an excellent opportunity to touch on a
 number of items that are mentioned on the evaluation
 sheets.  So the dialogue will include such topics as:

· Trying to make people understand how difficult it is
to live with chronic pain 
· The problem of being followed by insurance people
with video cameras 
· The difficulty of getting CPP, and other significant

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