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West Wing fanfiction

Stories with a are a work in progress.
page last updated on 4/11/01

"Chasing Sunsets" A CJ/Danny what if story revolving around the shooting.
"Chasing Sunsets"

"Pieces" Donna's brother, a navy pilot, is missing


"Split Second" Donna talks to her brother the night of the shooting. Note: This was written before the season premire aired so Josh isn't hurt.

"Split Second"

Broken Dreams--A Jag/The West Wing crossover story--The White House is rocked to it's core when Zoey is killed in a car bomb. Can Harm and Mac find the truth before its too late?

"Broken Dreams" pt. 1/2

"Broken Dreams" pt. 2/2

Pandora's Box
The monday after New Year's electronic equipment begins to fail all across the West Wing but is Y2K really the cause? Meanwhile Josh tries to find out what's bothering Donna.

"Rule the World" 1/1 humor--This is a response to the 'explain how Sam fell off the boat' challenge.
"Rule the World"

(4/11/01)"Karaoke Blues" By Cindy
Post episode story for "Somebody's going to emergency, somebody's going to jail"

(4/11/01)"Turning Point" By Cindy
Song fic, pre west wing

(4/11/01)"Disillusioned" By Cindy
Post episode story for "17 People". Toby seeks solace.

Josh/Donna stories

(4/11/01)"Dreams and Promises" By Cindy
Donna leaves D.C. without a word. Can Josh find her?

(4/11/01)"Precious" By Cindy--sequel to "Chances" and "Love Conquers All"
Josh and Donna's daughter Rachel is kidnapped.

(4/11/01)"Love Conquers All" By Amanda and Cindy
Josh and Donna's wedding day finally arrives.

(4/11/01)"Christmas Paradise" By Cindy
Happy fluff piece....Josh gives Donna a Christmas present.

"Aftershocks"--A few weeks after returning to work something happens that takes Josh right back to the shooting.

"Did you see Elvis?"An answer to the 'Have Josh and Donna wake up married challenge' set after the first season episode '20 hours in L.A.'

"Did you see Elvis?"

"Chances"--Set five years from West Wing's first season. Caitlin Bartlet helps Josh and Donna through a rough time.
Note: Caitlin Bartlet is an orginal character created by my friend Amanda. Caitlin is the Bartlet's middle daughter

"Misletoe and Twilight"--Sad Christmas piece--What if Donna had been shot at the Newseum instead of Josh?
"Misletoe and Twilight"

"Between Friends" 1/1--Josh becomes jealous when Sam and Donna start spending time together outside of work, but things are not what they appear to be.

"Waking Nightmare" 1/1--This is a response to a challenge posted on the Josh/Donna fanfic list. It's Donna's reaction to the season finale shooting.

"Between a Rock and a Hard Place"--Sequel to Pandora's Box--Lillienfield takes the deal to save Leo's career off the table how far will Josh go to protect his boss?

Between a Rock and a Hard Place pt. 1 (Sequel to Pandora's Box)

Between a Rock and a Hard Place pt. 2/2 (Sequel to Pandora's Box)

Glass Houses
Sam,Josh,CJ and Donna get caught in the middle of a terrorist takeover at an Embassy party.

"In Plain View"

"In Plain View"--A misunderstanding brings Josh and Donna's feelings for each other to the surface.

A tradgey awaits Josh when he returns from a trip.