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I go by many names.  None of them will I share with you, of course. These are dangerous times, and anonymity is a mage's closest ally. Therefor, I shall let you know me by one of my many names. Call me Certon. I hope I that this serves to provide you with the information you may need to delay the efforts of the evil that is threatening our world. If you do not know what this evil is, I suggest you stop reading now, for then this is not meant for you. For those of you confronting this evil, read on, read on, and hopefully this mystical knowledge will be of as much help to you as it has to me.

- Certon

Level Three

Epistula Absconditus
Duration: 45 seconds
Saving Throw: None
P.P.E.: 5
Useful in covert communication, this spell temporarily creates a brief message no more than a sentence in length on a small item that can normally be written upon. The magician casts the spell, which itself requires very few spoken words, and then concentrates on what he wants written on the object. The style and color are up to the magician's choosing, but the language may only be one the mage knows, or may be combined with Eyes of Thoth to allow the magician to compose the message in any language. The recipient receives the item, which appears normal at first. But if the paper is flipped, the message is clearly written. The message disappears at the end of the elapsed time or whenever the page is flipped over again, which ever occurs first. The sorcerer may also temporarily conceal any designs or other text on the message-side of the paper. Using this method, members of the Seekers organization communicated in secret for years, with Seekers posing as casino dealers, passing out message-embedded cards to certain players that said key phrases. The card seemed normal at first, with the proper face, but if flipped, instead of the normal designs on back the message is clearly displayed. Flipping the card once more returns it to its normal state, leaving no residual signs of magic or enchantment. Note that anyone can see the message should someone else be spying over the recipients shoulder, or if the message is intercepted.

Level Six

Neverending Stairway
15 ft
Duration: One melee (15 seconds) per level of experience
Saving Throw: Standard
P.P.E.: 20
The sorceror targets a particular stairway leading up or down, and any that attempt to climb or descend the stairs must save vs. magic. A failure results in the victim almost all the way through the passage, but then the subject blinks, and finds themself back at the beginning of their climb/descent of the stairway.  This lasts as long as the duration of the spell, and may only be saved against on the first attempt to travel through the passage.

These spells should also work well in the Palladium Fantasy RPG, with little or no conversion. RIFTS might need a bit of tinkering, but they should also work well there.

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