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New Psychics Powers for RIFTS



Telekinetic Grenade

Range:  50 feet per level of experience, and the blast has a 3 foot radius per level of experience
Duration:  Instant
I.S.P.:  Varies

    A variant of the Mind Bolt power, this is essentially a mind bolt sent in a direction that instead of striking the target and dissipating, will reach a designated point and expand rapidly, creating a large force bubble.  The growth takes place so fast that it has a very destructive result (check out Tetsuo in the underground complex in Akira).  Used properly, this can be used to take out multiple enemies, but at a rather large I.S.P. cost.  I.S.P. cost and damage are as follows:

I.S.P. Damage
2D6 S.D.C.
25 5D6 S.D.C.
55 2D6 M.D.C.
75 6D6 M.D.C.

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