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MHE Chat Page

Just go to the bottom line and enter your name. There are a lot of names already taken so don't get discouraged. Just keep putting in names till you find one that is not taken....maybe just adding numbers to your own name. Have a great time.

Get your own chat on!

ICE Client Help
[Hilfe Seite auf deutsch]

Here's a list of the possible commands once you are logged in.
All commands have to start with either a slash (/) or a decimal dot (.)


/quit This command will let you leave the chat again.
/me does something. Sends an "action" or "emotion" to a channel.
/msg username text Sends a text privately to the user with the given name
/join channel Allows you to switch to another channel
/whois username Requests additional information about the user with the given name
/who Shows a list of all the users in the current channel
/who channelname Shows a list of all the users in the given channel name
/list Shows a list of all channels on the server
/users Shows a list of all users on the server
/ignore username Ignores the user with the given name, that means, you will not receive any more messages from that user
/unignore username Stops ignoring the given user again
/ignorelist Shows a list of all users you ignore
/oplist Shows a list of temp and perm operators (ops) and marks the temp ops with brackets.
/oplist channel Shows a list of temp and perm operators (ops) in the given channel.

If you are operator in a channel, you have following additional commands:


/op username Allows you to grant operator rights for somebody else
/deop username Takes away the operator rights from a temporary operator
/kick username Throws a user out from the channel
/mute username Does not let that user speak anymore without him noticing it