Eastern's International Program consists of two types of exchanges. There is a private, one-to-one exchange, as well as a union of schools that form the International Student Exchange Program, or ISEP. Both kinds of study have the option to stay for one semester or for a full school year.
Within the private agreement, students from Eastern pay their own tuition and fees, and the students from the exchanging schools pay their own tuition and fees as well. Essentially, it costs as much as studying on campus does, except for the travel arrangements.
The ISEP program costs about $800 more, but there are many more schools from which to choose. Through this 250 school consortium, in fact, about 125 locations are outside the United States. For more information, visit the ISEP homepage.
The following schools have a one-to-one committment to Eastern:
University de Los Andes, Colombia
Griffith University, Australia
Central Queensland University, Australia
University of Glamorgan, Wales
Vaxjo University, Sweden
Amsterdam School of Business, The Netherlands
University of Cologne, Germany
Senzoku Gakuen College, Japan
University of Innsbruck, Austria
Also included in the one-to-one commitment is the Magellan Exchange. Through this consortium of business schools, students must pay a non-refundable $100 fee along with Eastern's tuition and fees.
Hautes Etudes Commerciales Liege, Belgium
Limburg Business School, The Netherlands
Satakunta Polytechnic, Finland
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