Four Mothers holds national 'mourning vigils'

                   By DAVID RUDGE (Jerusalem post)

                   HAIFA (May 29) - Members of the Four Mothers movement,
                   which is calling for the withdrawal of the IDF from south
                   Lebanon staged "mourning vigils" throughout the country
                   yesterday, following the deaths of two soldiers in a bomb attack
                   near the border fence late Wednesday night.

                   A bigger demonstration was held outside the Defense Ministry's
                   offices in Tel Aviv. The participants lit memorial candles and
                   carried placards, urging the government to find a solution to the
                   Lebanon problem.

                   Movement chairperson and founder Rachel Ben-Dor said more
                   activities were planned in the coming week, culminating in a
                   mass demonstration outside the Tel Aviv Museum next
                   Saturday night, June 6, to mark the 16th of the start of the
                   Lebanon War.

                   "Nearly 16 years after the beginning of the Lebanon War and
                   our sons are continuing to come home in coffins," Ben-Dor said
                   yesterday, after expressing condolences to the families of the
                   soldiers killed in the Hizbullah bomb attack.

                   "It seems as if nobody cares, because if they really did and
                   meant it, then they would do something," said Ben-Dor.

                   She also called on more members of the public to join the
                   movement and the quiet vigils, instead of "crying in front of the
                   television at home or over the phone."

                   Ben-Dor said they hoped to meet with Shas spiritual leader
                   Rabbi Ovadia Yosef next week, following a recent meeting with
                   members of the party's Knesset faction.

                   "We also intend to distribute leaflets to Lebanese workers at the
                   border which we have translated into Arabic and which give
                   details of the casualties on both sides of the border, in an effort
                   to win their support to put an end to the bloodletting.

                   "In the meantime, members of the movement will be visiting
                   foreign embassies to ask their help in promoting the [UN
                   Security Council Resolution] 425 initiative, and we also hope to
                   mobilize the support of entertainers for our campaign," she