[Lebanon] Cleric Warns Israel, 'Collaborators' on Jazzin

                      Beirut al-'Ahd in Arabic 18 Sep 98 p 5

His Eminence Shaykh Muhammad Yazbik, Imam Khamene'i's legal agent in Lebanon,
declared that there is no place for a collaborator in the homeland. A collaborator's destiny is
hell, he added, and the traitors must be killed.

In a Friday sermon he delivered at the Imam 'Ali Mosque in Ba'labakk, Yazbik said We
congratulate the Islamic Resistance on its daily victories, especially the recent operations that
confounded the Israeli enemy and its collaborators.

Yazbik also spoke of the predicament in which the collaborators and their commander find

He attributed the latest measures adopted in the town of Jazzin to the enemy's failure to push
forward its "Jazzin first" proposal. He said that Israel imagined that this proposal would
confuse the Resistance and create an unstable situation. He noted that the answer of the
Resistance was that withdrawal from Jazzin will not pose any danger to the area, and the
party that will be in charge of that area will be the Lebanese state operating through the
Lebanese Army.

He added The enemy's ploy, through which it sought to provoke a sedition, has failed and it
has no other option. As a result, its collaborators adopted the same measures in Jazzin that
they adopt in the occupied villages. This proves that the enemy lies and that it sought to
cause a sedition in the ranks of the Lebanese people. However, the credibility of the
Resistance in protecting its kinfolk and people thwarted this scheme.

His Eminence warned the Israeli enemy by saying As an Islamic Resistance, we declare to
our kinfolk and people that their security and lives are dear to us. If the enemy tries to
undermine this security and stability, we will not let the enemy enjoy peace. Let the enemy
and the world understand that we support the April Understanding. This understanding,
however, cannot be applied to one party alone. If the other party circumvents the April
Understanding, it will be incumbent upon us to keep our promise in defending our people.

He added Let no one imagine that the country is defenseless and a target to criminal
activities simply because it is preoccupied with the forthcoming presidential election. Any
stone that is cast will be returned to the thrower. The fact that the south and western al-Biqa'
were neglected in the past will not prevent those who are alert today from remaining alert until
these areas are liberated.