Four Mothers: Weizman sympathetic

Jerusalem post


JERUSALEM (August 25) - President Ezer Weizman met yesterday at Beit Hanassi with representatives of the Four Mothers movement, which is pressing for the withdrawal of the IDF from south Lebanon.

They declined to relays details of the conversation with Weizman but expressed satisfaction that the president had agreed to meet them so quickly after they had submitted their request - immediately after the deaths of an IDF soldier and a civilian in a bomb blast near the Beaufort Castle outpost late last Thursday.

"We submitted our request on Friday and he has already seen us. I think this signifies his attitude towards the Four Mothers and our aim," said Zahara Anteby, who was among the three women and two men who met the president.

"From what we understood, the president intends to meet with the Defense Minister and other ministers because he has his own ideas and suggestions for dealing with the Lebanon problem," said Anteby.

Weizman himself told reporters that the need to pull the army out of Lebanon was well known, but he ruled out the possibility of unilateral withdrawal.

"We can't just pick-up the kit-bags and go home," he said. "There is Syria, and Syria and Lebanon are virtually one and the same, and therefore [any withdrawal] has to be done wisely and very carefully.

"In the meantime, from the military aspect, the best way has to be found to be able to live there, or more correctly, not die there. It is an issue that the defense minister and the chief of staff are dealing with and, from time to time, I ask them about it," said Weizman.

Members of the Four Mothers movement, meanwhile, are continuing to stage a sit-in protest in a tent pitched opposite the Jerusalem home of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.
