Red line


Red Line is comprised of a group of very active, concerned citizens who have taken it upon themselves to expedite the withdrawal of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) from Southern Lebanon.
The group was formed at the end of February, 1999 and since then has managed to carry out 10 protest acts, with lots of media coverage (television, newspapers and explanation conferences).
Red Line is not politically affiliated and is not connected to any particular party. The group is financed by members and supporters only.

Red Line has proven itself to be able to respond quickly and effectively to "on the spot" issues and organize its members within a very short time.

The following is a list of protests carried out:

February 28th - Demonstration opposite the Security Office, Tel Aviv causing a traffic jam and attempting to burn tires. As a result, one member was arrested.

March 7th - Demonstration opposite the Security Office, Tel Aviv. Red paint was spilled on the road to symbolize our soldiers blood being spilled in Lebanon. Six members of the group were arrested.

March 14th - A more quiet demonstration held opposite the Security Office in Tel Aviv. Children and youth participated as well as a professional group of "Drummers for Peace".

March 21st - Information Booth at the Induction Office near Tel Aviv held during a day of a large number of soldiers being inducted. Parents of "new soldiers" were given information and encouraged to join Red Line.

April 1st - Demonstration outside Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's home marking a year that the United Nations 425 Resolution was to have been accepted, calling for withdrawal of Israeli occupation in Southern Lebanon.

April 16th - Protest opposite the home of Security Minister Moshe Arens on his declaration to decrease IDF outposts in the "Security Zone".

April 25th - Demonstration outside the General Staff Office in Tel Aviv. The theme of the demonstration was "The Silence of the Lambs" directed against the officers that prefer to hide the truth from the public concerning the uselessness of the IDF serving in Lebanon.
Four live sheep were brought to the demonstration. Aaron Barnea, father of the late Noam Barnea, also participated with a strong and moving speech condemning the IDFs presence in Lebanon.

May 3rd - Demonstration held at night opposite the Prime Ministers' home in Jerusalem on the day Givati soldier Moli Negato was killed in Lebanon.

May 21st - Demonstration outside Labor Party Headquarters after recent elections. First time a group of thirty soldiers that had served in Lebanon participate in demonstration.

June 4th - Protest outside property of Uri Lubrani, Israeli Government Co-ordinator for operations in Lebanon.

Red Line is a voluntary organization that runs strictly on donations. All contributions, financial or otherwise, will be gratefully accepted.