Lebanon Will Not Guarantee Israel

BEIRUT, Lebanon Dec 4 (Reuters)

- Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri Thursday said Lebanon would not guarantee Israel's security in the event of its unilateral withdrawal from south Lebanon. ``We will not sign any document that guarantees Israel's security (in the event of a pullout). Only God can guarantee security,'' he told Lebanese newspaper editors. ``We cannot put a Lebanese soldier beside each Israeli for protection. There is no way we will sign any document to guarantee Israel's security because Israel is responsible for its own security,'' he added. Israel carved out its current south Lebanon occupation zone in 1985 with the declared aim of preventing guerrillas from making cross-border attacks. The Jewish state has said it would be ready to pull troops out of south Lebanon -- under a ``Lebanon first'' deal to be negotiated with Damascus -- if Syrian soldiers left the country and if the Lebanese army could ensure Israel's security. Syria, which has 35,000 troops in Lebanon and is the main power broker, opposes separate Arab deals with Israel. Damascus conditions a peace treaty on an Israeli withdrawal from the Golan Heights, captured from Syria by Israel in the 1967 Middle East war. Lebanon insists that any Israeli pullout from south Lebanon has to be in line with United Nations Security Council Resolution 425 calling for an immediate and unconditional withdrawal from the border zone.

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