"More Israelis Questioning

More Israelis Questioning Military Presence in South Lebanon

8 September 1997

Serge Schmemann JERUSALEM -- A simmering debate over whether Israel should keep its troops in southern Lebanon gained new strength Sunday following Friday's disastrous rout of an Israeli commando team deep in Lebanese territory and the killing of another Israeli soldier on Sunday in Israel's "buffer zone." With Israel tense on several fronts, police officers and soldiers were much in evidence in Jerusalem, maintaining a high alert after Thursday's triple suicide bombing on western Jerusalem's premier promenade, in which four Israelis died.

Officials evidently feared the possibility of another attack before the visit of U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, which is to start on Wednesday. Israeli security forces continued rounding up suspected Palestinian militants in the West Bank, with more than 100 reported in detention. But investigators said they still had no information about the three men who blew themselves up or about two other suicide bombers who struck a Jerusalem market on July 30. Responsibility for the last two attacks was claimed in leaflets by a faction of the militant Muslim movement Hamas, demanding the release of Arab prisoners held by Israel, but the bombers were not identified as they were in former attacks.
The debate over Lebanon occupied both the government and the Labor opposition. Questions swirled about the debacle of the seaborne commando raid, in which 12 Israeli soldiers were killed when they were ambushed in the middle of the night by Lebanese Shiite Muslim guerrillas of Hezbollah, or Party of God, and Amal movements. Four members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Cabinet -- including the hawkish infrastructures minister, Ariel Sharon -- publicly questioned whether the security advantages of operating in Lebanon justified the mounting casualties. On the opposition side, Yossi Beilin, a leader of the Labor Party, said he was forming a nonpartisan movement to campaign for withdrawal from Lebanon. And many ad hoc groups formed to oppose Israel's continued presence in Lebanon, including mothers of Israeli soldiers.

The 12 men killed in Friday's raid and an officer killed by Hezbollah guerrillas Sunday in Israel's "security zone" in Lebanon brought the number of deaths this year alone to 31, in addition to 73 Israeli soldiers killed in the collision of two helicopters en route to Lebanon in February. Israel formed the nine-mile-wide security zone in Lebanon in 1982 to keep Palestinian guerrillas from shelling its northern settlements. But more and more Israelis now say that the zone only exposes Israeli soldiers to attack from Lebanese guerrillas and that Israel has other defenses and deterrents against attacks.

In what was said to have been a stormy meeting of the Cabinet on Sunday, Netanyahu assailed the ministers who have publicly advocated withdrawal -- especially Science Minister Michael Eitan, who argued that "the presence of our soldiers doesn't prevent the firing of Katyushas in the north," a reference to the vintage rockets used by the Hezbollah guerrillas. According to Israeli television, Netanyahu said at the meeting, "All this talk about getting out of Lebanon quickly under pressure is like fuel for the rockets of Hezbollah."
Probably the most significant new voice questioning Israel's presence in southern Lebanon was that of Sharon, who as defense minister led the widely denounced invasion of Lebanon in 1982. In an article in the mass-circulation Yediot Ahronot, Sharon said that Lebanon "has become a real burden to Israel" and that the choice was either to change tactics or to withdraw, "on the basis of our own decision and timetable" -- that is, without making any deal with Syria, which controls Lebanon.