November 31 1998

Syria Rejects Israeli Peace Overtures

                   [Official radio station of the Syrian Government]

Damascus Syrian Arab Republic Radio [Al-Ba'th] today writes that "Under the title of "Israel's
Crisis and the Bases of the Peace process," the developments of the past seven years of the
peace process did not leave any doubt that the constants of that process are the only basis
and the main condition for establishing a just and comprehensive peace that is based on the
UN resolutions and Madrid's terms of reference.

"Al-Ba'th says Israel succeeded in making some serious penetrations and drew some Arab
parties to the trap of separate agreements and distorted bilateral treaties, but the results have
been catastrophic to peace. It says that the situation in the occupied Arab territories provides
the clear evidence on the results of violating the bases of the peace process and deviating
from its constants.

"Al-Ba'th stresses that Israel will not be able to get rid of its suffocating impasse in southern
Lebanon without the full and immediate withdrawal. It reiterates that Israel will not ensure its
alleged security without accurate and open commitment to the peace process in accordance
with the resolutions of the international legitimacy and Madrid's terms of reference. Only on
this basis, the peace process can be resumed from the point it left off and can be advanced to
its aspired objectives."