November 30 1998

Israeli-Syrian Talks on Withdrawal

In a report by Eytan Rabin and Ben Kaspit in today's Ma'ariv, the paper says that "Israel has
sent Syria and Lebanon a message that it intends to start negotiations on the IDF's [Israel
Defense Forces] withdrawal from south Lebanon within the framework of a security accord,
as the first stage toward the resumption of political negotiations to achieve comprehensive
peace between the states.

This message was sent recently through various channels, including a meeting held last
week in a European capital in which a representative of the Syrian Government, a Lebanese
envoy, and a senior member of the Israeli intelligence community participated.

Senior Israeli sources confirmed yesterday that the meeting took place in Europe. The
defense minister's office refused to comment on such a meeting, while Aviv Bushinsky, the
prime minister's media adviser, said that no such meeting took place.

The political security cabinet will discuss the Lebanon issue today. Foreign Minister Ari'el
Sharon plans to put up for discussion once again his plan for a unilateral phased withdrawal
from Lebanon while "changing the rules of the game." Defense Minister Yitzhaq Mordekhay
continues to oppose such a solution and will present the defense establishment's position on
the issue.

An Israeli source confirmed yesterday that analysts believe that a partial withdrawal from
Lebanon is possible on condition that Syrian guarantees that Hizballah and the other
Rejectionist Front organizations do not carry out terrorist attacks against Israel from the areas
that are evacuated. The analysts join the IDF and its Intelligence Branch in their assessment
that it is possible to withdraw from a certain sector of Lebanon on condition that guarantees
are provided.