U.N. force in Lebanon
                renewed for six more months

                31 July 1998
                Web posted at: 05:50 GST, Dubai time (01:50 GMT)

                UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) -- The Security Council on
                Thursday approved a six-month renewal, until January 31, of the
                4,500-member U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) in a
                resolution adopted unanimously and without debate.

                The force was established in 1978 to restore the Lebanese
                government's authority over the southern part of the country after
                an Israeli incursion against Palestinian guerrillas.

                Israel withdrew its troops following a later 1982 invasion but
                retained a so-called security zone along the Lebanese side of the
                border, aided by its allies of the South Lebanon Army militia, to
                block attacks against northern Israel.

                This has resulted in frequent clashes, mainly with Iranian-backed
                guerrillas, and also prevents the deployment of UNIFIL up to the
                international border.

                UNIFIL now comprises troops from Fiji, Finland, France, Ghana,
                Ireland, Italy, Nepal, Norway and Poland. It is commanded by
                Major-General Jioji Konousi Konrote of Fiji.

                In his latest report on UNIFIL, Secretary-General Kofi Annan said
                the number of operations conducted by guerrillas in the last six
                months had increased by 40 percent compared to the previous
                six months.

                He said the most of the 348 excursions were carried out by the
                Hezbollah organization against Israeli forces in the countries,
                using small arms, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and
                anti-tank missiles.

                In turn Israeli troops, either in response to the attacks or in
                operations they initiated expended 10,000 rounds of artillery,
                mortar, tanks and missiles, about the same as last year. About 58
                air raids were carried out against targets north of the Litani River
                and the Israel navy patrolled Lebanese territorial water and
                imposed restrictions on local fishermen the country, Annan's
                report said.

                As on previous occasions, the renewal resolution reiterated
                strong support for the "territorial integrity, sovereignty and
                political independence of Lebanon" within its internationally
                recognized boundaries."

                The UNIFIL operation is short $103.5 million, Annan said.
                Norway, a mainstay of the force, is expected to to withdraw most
                of its 600 troops with Italy and Spain having been asked to
                replace them.


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