Haaretz special - Withdrawing from Lebanon

Barak: The Time Had Come To End a Tragedy [June 5, 2000]

The window of opportunity is still open [Moshe Maoz, May 11 2000]

Barak Calls on Lebanon for Peace [May 25 2000]

A message from Cosette Ibrahim (Ex detainee in Khiam - May 25 2000)

Lebanese refugees are welcomed by residents
after returning to their village in Chihin
some 70 km. south of Beirut, May 23.

Eating away our innards By Doron Rosenblum [May 26 2000]

All quiet on the Lebanese front [Economist June]

The SLA are getting more than they deserve By Gideon Levi [May 28 2000]

`5 Minute' interrogation lasts 9 month. Ex-inmate describes horrors at prison linked to Israelis [Chicago tribune, Jun 11 2000]

How the IDF kept itself in Lebanon [Zvi Barel Jun 12 2000]

Israeli media begin to ask: 'Where are the terrorists?' [Daily Star, Beirut Jun 14 2000]

Annan: Hizbullah should not be ignored[Jerusalem Post June 22 2000]

Second mass grave found in Lebanon -[ The Times (UK) Jun 23, 2000]

The Israel-Lebanon border [Haaretz July 24, 2000]

Hizballah: New course or continued warfare By Eyal Zisser [Middle east review of international affairs, September 2000]