Agent Fox Mulder's special report about Bibi Netanyahoo
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The X-Files

To: Deputy director Walter skinner
from: Agent Fox Mulder
Subject: A case of a state going insane

I was sent with my partner, agent Scully to investigate the strange actions of the governor of our fifty-first state, Israel, which is located somewhere in the middle of nowhere (OOPS. Sorry. Middle East). The governor of this state, who was earlier in his career a furniture salesman, is called "prime minister" by the local citizens, who believe for some reason that Israel is an independent country. The "prime minister" also serves as the head of a world notorious computer company . I got the first report of his dangerous actions from the bibiwatch , an organization that keeps an eye on the "prime minister"
The first signs of mass insanity in the state of Israel started long before Bibi was elected, and the seeds of this malfunction were first seen after the local National Guard, called the IDF, took over parts of neighboring countries that tried to invade Israel. Several outbreaks of insanity were observed then, from people known as Harav Goren, Harav Levinger, and a group of nuts who decided to build a settlement in a place named Sebastia.
Scully's first idea was that the first Israeli's to enter the area consumed something that was infested with a disease similar to the mad cow disease. This theory was proved to be wrong because entering the territories was a symptom of this insanity, not the cause.
In 1995, after a prime minister Itzhak Rabin tried to achieve peace with his neighbors, and after much incitement against him from right-wing parties, he was murdered by an assassin named Ig'al Amir.
soon after that, everyone who said that these parties had anything to do with Rabin's murder was blamed by them of incitement against them. Many Israelis who voted for left-wing parties are convinced that the left is responsible for the murder of Rabin. In 29.5.96 The recent governor, Bibi Netanyahoo won the elections. Soon after that he started a series of strange actions, the most dangerous was the oppening of the Hashmonaim tunnel, which ignited riots that costed many human lives.
Again, agent scully has a "rational" explanation. She thinks that Netanyahoo's sponsor demanded him to open that tunnel, but I think one must be a real paranoid to believe such a thing. That would make Bibi a traitor, and I cannot believe a politician will sacrificed the lives of his own soldiers for money he already got.
As usual, I think we have to look for a supernatural cause here. Once you are in Israel, you see lots of people influenced by a being they call Haravovadia. This being controls a political party and has much influence on the "prime minister". Politicians associated with Haravovoadia are more prone to be investigated by the police than others. So far, I found no reliable witness who actually saw (a?) Haravovadia, but from the descriptions of people who were allegedly abducted by Haravovoadia it seems that this creature is a humanoid, with a blue hood and sunglasses. The purpose of both is not known.
Another entity, much more mysterious then the former one, is Hamekubalkaduri. This creature was seen mainly in openings of humus shops (humus is a paste made of chickpeas). It probably influences people by giving them talismans and omens, and can affect the outcome of elections.
The third supernatural being is Harabimilubavitch, about which nothing is known. Some say he's dead, some say he's the messiah, and some say both. He, too, can influence the outcome of elections, and even people who believe he's dead follow his posthumous orders.

Na Nakh Nakhma Nakhman Me'uman

Trust no body

Do you have any additional information ?

Agent Fox mulder

To be continued
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