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Advice and Help

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Well, it all started when Davey and I started going out. We went out for one month and a half...until David came along. I dunno why I fell for David, but I did HARD. I broke up with Davey and went out with David...keeping the secret from Davey for about 3 days. When he found out he was M-A-D. He ripped up the teddy I had given him on our 1 month anniversary. Well, eventually about 1 month later, David and I broke up. As soon as I got the nerve up to ask Davey out, I called him and his big sis (who happens to be my BEST FRIEND) told me he was going out with someone. I NEED TO WIN DAVEY BACK!!! But, how???

Well, I'm guessing that Davey was just jealous and so he went out with that other gurl. So you still have a chance of getting him back. But first, think about it. Davey's not a prize to win. Although they are rarely shown, boys have feelings too. You can't play with him. If you REALLY love him, then go back for him. But don't think that just because you don't have a boyfriend that your life is over. Ok, if you've decided that you actually do love him and want him back, here's how. Sit him down and have a conversation. Tell him that you love him. It can be confusing sometimes when you are a teenager because you may think that you love someone and your feelings get all confused, but you really don't love that person. Explain to Davey that you're really sorry and David was just a crush. And just a comment, you may have a little trouble with commitment. But don't worry, you have the rest of your life to find 'Mr. Right'. ~Gesyka

My friend "Bob" is 18, and im 14. i got an email recently from this website that says "someone has a crush on you," so i went there, and followed the sites directions. what resulted was a match, saying that person that i guessed liked me did, it was Bob. So now i know that Bob likes me, like THAT, but i dont like him like that. I don't know what to tell him, and feel kinda weird about it, like, unsafe. I've heard he's gottrouble taking no for an answer, and could become, like psychotic, threatening suicide and stuff. He dated my friend "Lisa's" friend "Amy" and Lisa said that Amy was being threatened by him, and that he told Amy he would kill himself, or hunt her down and stuff. so what do i do?
-Desperately Need Help

Dear Desperate,
Gosh, this is a tough one. I'm sorry to say this but there is something wrong with your friend Bob. He needs some sort of help. Until then, I suggest getting an adult involved. It may not seem like the best thing to do but thisis a matter of safety. It doesn't have to be your parents, just and adult you can trust. Try not to keep contact, and don't act interested. Let people know what's going on, don't keep it to yourself.


Tina the Troubled Teen

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