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Book Reviews

Teen Angels
Author: Cherie Bennett

Sorry, guys, but I don't think you'll exactly be "into" this book series. I mean, this is sorta more of a girl thing 'cuz the lead characters are gals. 'Newayz, this series is about teens who've died and still had life lessons to learn, who's gone to Teen Heaven 'cuz of that. Well, now and then, they get sent to earth for an "assignment" by the Big Guy (we all know who that is) wherein they help teens in trouble so they'll head toward the light 'n not towards darkness. Of course, since these angels are still teens, they always have a li'l bit of trouble. But they always seem to get out of it. And romance definitely won't be missing with these gals, so I'm pretty sure y'all will pretty much love this series.


Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Authors: Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, and Kimberly Kimberger You know how chicken soup usually makes you feel a whole lotta better when you're sick? Well, a certain book called Chicken Soup for the Soul does almost the same thing. Instead of curing or making your physical body feel better, it does that stuff to your soul. But there's a more specific "chicken soup book" for teens. It's called Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul. It contains stories/poems written for and by -- who else? -- teens. It has stuff about relationships, family, friendship, and other tough stuff. Actually, there's already a Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul II, so that doubles the inspiration! And not only that, you can also have the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Journal wherein you can write your own thoughts and experiences! I'm telling you, this book is definitely not to be missed!


Sweet Valley Twins

In this book series, identical twins Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield will show you the typical life of teens and pre-teens. What's cool about this book is, that the twins are only identical on the outside. But when you know them personally, you'll find it hard to believe that they could actually be SISTERS. They're the complete opposite. Elizabeth is the studious, writer, bookworm kinda gal, while Jessica is the happy-go-lucky, partying, boy-lover twin. So in each book, you'll see how they look at the same situation differently. So it won't really matter if you're the popular one or the studious one, you'll still be crazy 'bout this book series!
