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Feeling bored? Friends are out? No date? No problem!! Here are a few tips to having a great time alone.

1. Write or email someone.
Talk to your friends on the phone.
2. Give Yourself a Makeover.
3. Chat with people, surf the net.
4. Go to a store, or a cafe.
5. Listen to music, watch videos.
6. Write a journal or diary, reflect on past memories, go through photo albums.
7. Make your own webpage.
8. Read a book.
9. Write a short story, poem, play, anything.
10. Sit and think.
11. Dream up a fantasy world.
12. Take a walk, go rollerblading, running.
13. Work out to your favorite music.
14. Re-arrange your room.
15. Try on different outfits.
16. Watch TV, play a game.

Hope these help!! Thanks to Miki for letting me use some of her tips!!