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Embarassing Moments

I was in the school play of Romeo and Juliet, and I was Juliet. I was only eight, and I hadn't realized the part was that I had to kiss a guy. So the boy was puckering his lips in front of my face, and all I could do was scream. Then he blushed and pulled my pants down in front of everybody!!

I was playing chicken fight on the monkey bars with my friend, a game where you fight with your legs until one person falls down. Anyway, I was just about to fall. As a did, my pants fell down and her father walked out the back door to call her inside.

One day in school, I had fallen or something, right onto this thick pinecone or something like that, and my knee started bleeding badly. I didn't notice until a while later, and my brand new jeans were soaked in blood. Anyway, it hurt when I bent my knee, so my friends wanted to bring me to the office. Anyway, it looked as if I were getting my period, but I was only in grade four then. Anyway, as I was walking into the bathroom, a teacher actually handed me a tampon! Total mortification!

I was at church one Sunday and I brought my portable CD player with me because the preacher is a total bore and cracks the same jokes every week. Anyways I was jammin to my Britney Spears CD and I guess I was singing out loud cause everyone turned and looked at me! Beyond mortifying!

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