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Reasons Why It's Great To Be A Girl

1. We can wear guy's clothes, where as if a guy wears girl's clothing . . . well, let's not get into that.
2. Lilith Fair
3. It'll be a big deal when one of us becomes president.
4. We're called tomboys, guys are called girlie.
5. At least one girl always survives in horror flix.
6. Girls with guy first names (like Joey) sound cool, but it doesn't quite work the other way around.
7. We can wear dresses--without getting some really weird looks from people.
8. Matt, Carson,Ben,Skeet,Kevin....
9. Our friends will listen to us go on and on about our crushes.
10. We can get away with wearing platform shoes without looking goofy.
11. On TV, we're always the one with the coolest supernatural powers.
12. We get the bigger apartment on Friends.
13. We don't have to shave our faces. (Ouch!)
14. We can keep our stuffed animals in full view.
15. Fiona, Tori, Sarah, Paula, Alanis, Gwen, Courtney, Daria, Madonna--they're all girls.
16. We will never have to wear tightie-whities--or jock straps.
17. That whole circumcision thang.
18. Almost no one makes fun of us for liking BSB or any of those "boy bands".
19. Dollhouse, Delia's, Tart, XOXO, Wet Seal.
20. We can wear cute little barrettes in our hair.
21. We can put cotton balls between our toes, paint our nails, and not feel the least bit silly.
22. Pick-up lines. They're not something we need to practice.
24. If we're on a really big ship that happens to hit an iceberg, we'll probably get first dibs on a lifeboat.
25. We can wear makeup and not get more weird stares.
26. PMS is a good excuse.
27. We can paint our nails puke-green one day, cobalt-blue the next--just 'coz we feel like it.
28. Our 'zines have horoscopes.
29. We have better shoes.
30. We don't have to worry about getting hurt . . . uh . . . down there.
31. A woman holds the record for most Academy Awards won (Katharine Hepburn--four Best Actress Oscars).
32. Scarlett O'Hara was a woman who did everything and, in the end, won her man back.
33. We can sob uncontrollably and no one says anything.
34. We can do pretty much any activity guys do. Almost.
35. We don't feel the urge to slap a teammate's butt when they make a good play.
36. Hugging is not considered sissy for girls.
37. We can wear tight pants/shorts and not be considered gay.
38. It's entirely possible that we could marry Ben Affleck someday.
39. We can be both athletic and girlie.
40. We give really, really good advice.
41. Dark circles under the eyes? Hickeys? Facial
blemishes? We can just cover 'em up with some
concealer. How do guys live without that stuff?
42. We never have to stand at a urinal and have other girls stare at us.
43. We have no macho standards to live up to.
44. We don't have to be worried about being called up to the board in class when we're, um, excited.
45. We get to slay vampires.
46. Girl talk. You know, how we just understand each other without having to explain stuff.
47. We never have to be on the "skins" game in gym class.
48. The coolest, sweetest songs and poems have been written about us.
49. When we get married, we get to keep our own name--or choose one that we like even better.
50. We're open to advice and willing to share our feelings
51. Spice Girls and All Saints.