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Interactive Story

Here's the interactive story. Add on a paragraph or two if you wish, but don't make it too long, and no foul language, because I edit everything first.

"Hey, Meliss, wait up!"Melissa Hepburk turned around and looked at her best friend, Katerina, bounding up towards her. She grimaced. She had kind of been avoiding Katerina, and she had been successful for the day, but now Katerina had found her at the bus stop.
It's not that she had anything against Katerina, she didn't. It's just that the two were growing farther and farther apart. Well, Melissa was, Katerina just didn't seem to get the picture.
"Ugh, great," Melissa though, as Katerina finally reached her. "Now I'll have to ride home with her on the bus."
"Hi, Katerina."
"Hi, where are you going?"
"Great, I'll ride with you! I'm going over to Elise's anyway."
"Uh, no thanks, Melissa. I think I'll just walk."
"But we always ride home together."
"I know, but today I just don't feel like it." Melissa started walking down the street, her books clutched to her chest, and though she didn't look back, she could feel the hurt look on Katerina's face.
* * *

"Is Melissa there?" Katerina asked Melissa's mother.
"Sorry, no, she went to Krissy's...sorry again."Katerina hung up the phone and sighed. Ever since the beginning of the schoolyear she felt Melissa had been ignoring her. As she glanced out her window, she saw Krissy and Melissa walk by.
"Now's my chance," Katerina decided. Running outside and ambling down her front steps she waved to Melissa. With a distrought look, Melissa waved back, then, with a quick turn Melissa walked the opposite way, abandoning Katerina one again.

* * *

Melissa just felt the tiniest twinge of guilt. She knew she and Katerina had been best friends for a long time. But she's changed. And so has Katerina. They've both grown up and... well, frankly, it was time to go their separate ways. Now if only she could tell Katerina that without having to hurt her feelings TOO much.

* * *

Katerina went back home... feeling betrayed and alone. "What did I do to have Melissa treat me this way?", she thought. Suddenly, all the happy memories of their friendship came back to her. The ol' swimming hole they used to spend their summer days in, the toy shop where they always bought their Christmas gifts for each other. Katerina laughed when she remembered the time they got identical gifts from each other! They were toys they've always wanted, but decided to get for the other instead since they had money enough only for one toy. Her mother had said, "You two girls have a special bond. You know each other more than anyone else!". Katerina sighed. "Whatever happened to that special bond?" she wondered.

* * *

Page Two

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