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Chapter 18

Chapter 18

"Hello, Mrs. Hanson?" Heather spoke into the reciever.
"Yes, this is she." Mrs. Hanson said. "Who is this?"
"This is Heather, Alexis's sister."

"Oh, hello. How are you doing?" Mrs. Hanson asked.
Heather heard sadness in her voice. Mrs. Hanson was still hoping Jessica would call.
"Mark and I are doing fine. We went to the mall today and we found someone." Heather started.

Mrs. Hanson gasped. She knew what was coming.
"We found Jessica."

Heather pulled the phone a foot from her ear as Mrs. Hanson screamed.
"You found my baby! Oh my God! Zachary, Avery, everyone! Jessica has been found."

Jessica heard all of this. She realized all the sadness that she had put her family through.
"Heather, Heather, where is she now? Can I talk to her" Mrs. Hanson begged.

"She's right here, hold on." Heather held the phone out to Jessica. Jessica took it, her hand shaking.
She covered the reciever. "What do i say?"

Mark came into the room as Jessica started to talk. "Mom...." she whispered.
Mrs. Hanson burs into tears, which caused a lump in Jessica's heart. "I'm sorry."

"Through her tears, Mrs. Hanson spoke. "You're grounded for the rest of your life and you'll have to stay with us and..." Jessica couldn't make out the rest. Suddenly her father came on the line.
"Jess, honey, where have you been?" Mr. Hanson asked. Jessica could tell her was crying.

"I've been staying with friends in Florida. I'm so sorry, I just wanted...I don't know. I just wanted some time away."

Tears were rolling down Jessica's face. "I'm gonna come home, daddy." she whispered.
"I know. We'll catch a plane as soon as we can." he spoke. "Let me talk to Heather so we can get directions and what airport we should come into."

"Okay, bye daddy. Tell everyone that I love them." Jessica said. "Bye, Jess"
Heather got on the line for a few minutes and she and Mr. Hanson scheduled a time for them to fly in. They wanted to come to Florida and personally pick Jessica up.

"Okay, I'll see you in two days. 'k, bye." Heather hung up the phone. "They'll be here in two days." she told Jessica and Mark.
Mark smiled and rubbed Jessica's shoulder. "Don't worry, everything's gonna be okay."

"Taylor..., uh, I don't know where you should stay. I mean.." Raychel trailed off. Taylor just stared at her.
"How about...I stay with you?" Taylor suggested, laying his head on her shoulder.
Raychel smiled unsurely. She wasn't really into sleeping with people before marraige. She hadn't thought Taylor was into that either.

"Um, I don't know. I thought you might want to stay in an extra bed." she said.
Taylor stared into her eyes. "We could share a bed, you know. I promise I won't do anything." Taylor help up 3 fingers. "Boy scout's honor."

Raychel smiled. "Okay, fine." Raychel led him into her bedroom and she flipped on the lights. Taylor looked around. He looked from the black lights to the lava lamps.
Whoa, weeeeeird." he said. Her room was totally hippyish. He loved it. He looked at a picture on her dresser three young girls. The tallest looked like Raychel.

"Hey, is this you and your sisters?" he asked. Raychel looked at the picture and blushed. "Yeah. I'm the tallest one in the soccer uniform. Alex is in the cheerleading uniform, and Brittany has the blond hair." Raychel informed him.

Taylor studied the picture. The three smiling girls were playing outside. "See, Me and Britt were playing soccer and Alex was cheering us on. She was like, 15, so any time that she would spend with us we'd take, cuz it was rare to fine her in a good mood."

"I kinda started to get like that when I was 15. I was like, a little moddy. And by then, I was really getting depressed about Zac and stuff. I was hard." Taylor finished, tears in his eyes.
Raychel pulled him close. She had heard about Zac's death, and she knew Tay took it personally, because he had been doing drugs at the same time and had gotten Zac involved.
"Tay, please, it's okay. At least you know Zac sees you." Raychel tried comforting him.

Taylor stood up quickly. "Oh, whoa, you don't you want have to promise not to tell ANYONE" he said.
"I promise." she said quickly. Taylor looked up. "ZAC!" he yelled, "Zac, come down here, I want you to meet someone! Please, I havent seen you in a long time."

Raychel felt sadness creep into her as she realized Taylor might be crazy. He thought he could talk to Zac.

"ZAC! Please! Don't make me look like a fool here!" Taylor cried.
"Taylor, Zac is dead. He can't come here and..." Raychel was cut off by a sigh.

"Hello, Taylor."
Taylor smiled at Raychel. He pointed to a boy standing in the cornor of the room. "Raych, meet my brother."

"Oh my God!" Raychel's hand flew to her mouth and she fainted.
"I knew this wouldn't be a good idea, Tay. I told you not to tell anyone." Zac lectured.
Taylor just shook his head. "Help me get her up."

Zac sighed and helped his brother pick up his new girlfriend. "You had to call me now. I ust met this girl and we were going to go to the movies.."

They set Raychel on her bed.
"Zac, I've missed you." Taylor said, wrapping his brother in a hug. Zac was surprised, but he returned the hug.
"Um, shouldn't we be helping your girlfriend?" Zac asked, pointing to the Raychel. Taylor nodded and started to shake her a little. "Raych, come on, wake up. Raych!!"

A startled Raychel woke up. "What? What?" She caught sight of Zac. "Taylor, I'm going mad. I see your brother standing here."
Taylor chuckled and Zac held out his hand. Raychel shook it, and as she did, it fell off. "OH MY GOD! TAYLOR!! GET HIM AWAY FROM ME!" Raychel screamed.

Zac was laughing so hard, his hand now lying on the florr. "Sorry about that. My friend taught me how to do it and I wanted to see if it worked."
Taylor was smiling a little, and Raychel just watched the two.
"Anyway," Zac started, "I saw in the fate plan book that you two are supposed to be busy now, so I'll be going. Bye!" Zac winked at Taylor and then poof!, he was gone.

Raychel looked into Taylor's eyes. "Oookkkk, that was....messed up."
Taylor grinned at her, a gleam in his eye. "You heard what Zac said about us 'supposed to be busy' now."

Raychel thought for a moment. If Taylor could trust him by showing her his dead brother, well, his spirit at least, she could surely trust him.

She pushed him onto the bed and turned out the light. "We sure can't break the fate plans." she whispered, pulling off his shirt.